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Losing CSS on custom 2.1 theming when I add a File

  • @jeffvand


    I am trying to get set up with some theming and bbpress 2.1. I have added a bbpress folder to my theme and copied over the loop-forums.php file, but as soon as I do that I loose all the CSS. Is there some trick that I need to copy of css? I tried to move the bbpress.css file to the bbpress folder in my theme directory but that didn’t seem to help.

    Thanks for any help you can provide. I’m just getting started with bbPress so this may be simple. Sorry if it is… The forums are pointing to old URL’s when I search…

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    Some helpful docs to get you started.



    Hey John, thanks for this. I was looking at those, particularly masonjames’ page here:

    Do I need to do something to activate it to look for these things? I tried another test by moving the page-front-topics.php from the extras folder to the root of my theme, but no edits I do to that file seem to change the /topics/ page layout (which I’m assuming is that page… but perhaps I am wrong there).

    Is there a list anywhere of what files control what layout’s? That might be helpful to make sure I am at least editing the right pages… 🙂

    Thanks for your help!



    Ah… it is the archive-topic.php page. Found it.. should have known with it being a custom post type. A list would still be helpful though. But I am at least making some changes to the layout now. 🙂 Thanks!



    I’ll put up a list and description soon. It’s tripping a few people up.

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