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login issues

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  • @kylewhenderson


    Did you happen to find a solution to this? I’m running into the exact same issue. Kind of defeats the purpose of a front-end login.



    it sends the user to the wordpress login screen,

    can you define ‘it’ please – what is sending you where?



    The bbPress Login Widget, upon submitting username/password simply redirects to /wp-login.php where the user has to again submit the username/password. It simply doesn’t log the user in at all. I have tested this with a fresh WP install with the default theme and only bbPress running. See video demo here:

    Let me know if you have any questions – happy to provide any info to debug.

    OP: Let us know if this is this same issue you are having or if this is a different issue.



    hmmm…. not how it works in my test site.

    The bit about some wp login plugin that you have deacivated?? can you explain more about that?



    The plugin mentioned that I disabled is called “User Registration” but that’s kind of irrelevant; I just did another fresh WP install with only the 2020 theme and the only plugin being bbPress and have the exact same issue. Here’s a video demo:

    Let me know if you have questions. Thanks!



    I don’t doubt you have an issue, but there are 300,000 users of bbpress and if they all had this issue it would be well known.

    the problem is working out why you have this issue



    I just installed the Ultimate Member plugin. The frontend login shortcode that comes with that plugin works as expected, so not sure what this issue is with the bbPress Login Widget, but something is certainly not right.

    I totally get that many people should be complaining if it were obviously broken, but especially after testing a clean WP core and bbPress install it seems that this isn’t likely to be an edge case.

    Again, let me know if you have any specific questions that I can help with to debug.




    got 5 minutes this afternoon, so fresh install and bbpress and twenty twenty and login widget in footer exactly as you did, and that logs in fine.



    My apologies, I haven’t checked my emails in awhile, however when I have access to my computer I’ll try what you suggested. To clarify though, the whole process from registration, setting a password and even the forgot password process all works flawlessly, but when it comes time to sign into the account, after signing in you’re redirected to either the homepage and it’s like you didn’t sign in, or it redirects you to the WP admin sign in page. So my issue is not being able to sign in, and be redirected to the forum properly, and being able to interact with the forum.



    I would also like to get people automatically redirected to a page inside the forum instead of the WP dashboard, but it is not working.

    I have tried using Peters Login Redirect and that has not worked. I have also tried using this code inside the Snippets, which isn’t working either:

    // Send new users to a special page
    function redirectOnFirstLogin( $custom_redirect_to, $redirect_to, $requested_redirect_to, $user )
    // URL to redirect to
    $redirect_url = ‘’;
    // How many times to redirect the user
    $num_redirects = 1;
    // If implementing this on an existing site, this is here so that existing users don’t suddenly get the “first login” treatment
    // On a new site, you might remove this setting and the associated check
    // Alternative approach: run a script to assign the “already redirected” property to all existing users
    // Alternative approach: use a date-based check so that all registered users before a certain date are ignored
    // 172800 seconds = 48 hours
    $message_period = 172800;

    Cookie-based solution: captures users who registered within the last n hours
    The reason to set it as “last n hours” is so that if a user clears their cookies or logs in with a different browser,
    they don’t get this same redirect treatment long after they’re already a registered user

    $key_name = ‘redirect_on_first_login_’ . $user->ID;

    if( strtotime( $user->user_registered ) > ( time() – $message_period )
    && ( !isset( $_COOKIE[$key_name] ) || intval( $_COOKIE[$key_name] ) < $num_redirects )
    if( isset( $_COOKIE[$key_name] ) )
    $num_redirects = intval( $_COOKIE[$key_name] ) + 1;
    setcookie( $key_name, $num_redirects, time() + $message_period, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN );
    return $redirect_url;
    User meta value-based solution, stored in the database
    $key_name = ‘redirect_on_first_login’;
    // Third parameter ensures that the result is a string
    $current_redirect_value = get_user_meta( $user->ID, $key_name, true );
    if( strtotime( $user->user_registered ) > ( time() – $message_period )
    && ( ” == $current_redirect_value || intval( $current_redirect_value ) < $num_redirects )
    if( ” != $current_redirect_value )
    $num_redirects = intval( $current_redirect_value ) + 1;
    update_user_meta( $user->ID, $key_name, $num_redirects );
    return $redirect_url;
    return $custom_redirect_to;

    add_filter( ‘rul_before_user’, ‘redirectOnFirstLogin’, 10, 4 );

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