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Login Integration Issues – bbpress and wordpress mu

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  • @chrishajer


    Rescued from akismet today. Sorry about that



    Oh that is fine, just want a solution quick. Waiting for some good soul to help me



    # 1

    WordPressMU user integration with bbPress

    1 When installing wordpressmu/bbpress do NOT use “www.” Example: use not and use the same database. You do not need to change the prefix, I prefer you don’t because you’ll run into problem later.

    2 Make sure bbpress is in a folder in wordpress. example: wordpress/bbpress/ not on the same level.

    3 The folder does not have to be named bbpress, most people make it “forum” or “forums”.

    *After successfully installing both programs open wp-config.php file (in the wordpress folder). Around line # 45-# 48 you’ll see define(‘AUTH_KEY’…. go to this URL ( and get the EIGHT keys and REPLACE the FOUR keys that are there. Save and upload. Keep the file open for now.

    4 Open bb-config.php (in the bbpress folder) do the same thing here. With the SAME keys you put in the wordpress file put in the bb-config file around line # 41-45. You have to add BB_ to the front of the names. Example: BB_AUTH_KEY to all eight. Save and upload. Keep the file open for now.

    5 Clear your cache on your browser. Log into your bbpress dashboard and go to Settings->Wordpress Integration-> WordPress Administrator should be keymaster. Every other option should be member for now. WordPress address (URL) should be the URL again NO www. Blog address (URL) the same as before. The last 3 should be LOCKED if not repeat the steps 3&4.

    6 Login to your wordpress dashboard. Go to Plugins->Add New-> search for “bbPress Integration” it should be the first one. Install it and activate.

    7 Go to Settings-> bbPress Integration. Enter the bbPress URL without the www. Your plugins URL leave blank. Check WordPressMU. Click on Save Changes. On the bottom box you’ll see some text copy it. Most likely it will say

    define( 'COOKIEHASH', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' );
    define( 'COOKIE_DOMAIN', '' );
    define( 'SITECOOKIEPATH', '/' );
    define( 'COOKIEPATH', '/' );

    8 Paste the all FOUR lines in wp-config.php file around line # 16 (MUST be on top. Don’t know why) and paste the LAST THREE (leave out cookiehash line) in bb-config.php in line # 13 (Must be on top). Save. You can delete the plugin, it’s no longer needed.

    9 Clear your cache on your browser and you’re done.

    Known Problems

    *Two different database, one for WP and one for BBP, does not always work.

    *Changing the database prefix. There are tutorials out there that tell you to do it, just don’t.

    *Hosting companies that offer free databases, have buggy databases.

    *BBpress not being in WordPress folder. I don’t think the plugin takes that into account.

    *When you upgrade from an older version (wordpressmu/bbpress) the XX-config.php files are different than what you already have. Check wp-config.php against wp-config-sample.php & bb-config.php against bb-config-sample.php should be fairly simple.



    I followed gerikg’s instructions & all seems well, except, when I log into bbPress, then go to WPMU it appears as if I’m logged in. Until I try to admin the site, then & have to log in again. Seems to be that a cookie is not being set.



    bakercad, another issue I ran into last few days was when you choose subdomain as a MU options. works well sometimes does not work

    I haven’t found a solution that works so far.



    Hey whats up gerikg

    Ive done everything step by step that you wrote about. I even reinstalled and started over from scratch. yet it still seems the cookies are not working. wordpress and bbpress are linked because bbpress actually lets my wordpress logins work… but no matter what i do, i still cant get keep myself logged in when going back & forth from wordpress to forum.

    is this a common issue that just is not working yet?

    wordpress mu 1.9.2

    bbpress 1.0.2



    Who is your hosting company?

    I have one more thing you can do.




    after i do your guide

    the admin of bbpress doesn’t work anymore.

    now when you click admin it stays on the same page

    my keymaster user for bbpress is admin. my main wordpress user is also admin, would this cause it..

    i only have one user/account in wordpress (apart from a user named luzia.selsby without admin privileges) and that is admin



    also in notepad++ (advanced text editor) the text stays green (meaning it looks like it stays in the commented out bit and has looks like it has no effect) for the wp-config.php

    where can i go to reverse the changes made to wordpress integration settings in bbpress?



    this is a small glitch in bbPress that you can’t access the dashboard when logged in from WordPress side. Just login from the bbPress side and everything will be fine.



    how can the wordpress admin username/password be used in bbpress login and log in successfully (globally)

    also how can the bbpress (if necessary) be used to successfully log in to wordpress and have the global admin?

    same for users, which i haven’t tried yet

    i’ve setup these (codes removed)


    define(‘AUTH_KEY’, ”);

    define(‘SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ”);

    define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ”);

    define(‘NONCE_KEY’, ”);

    define(‘AUTH_SALT’, ”);

    define(‘LOGGED_IN_SALT’, ”);

    define(‘SECURE_AUTH_SALT’, ”);


    define( ‘BB_AUTH_KEY’, ” );

    define( ‘BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ” );

    define( ‘BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ” );

    define( ‘BB_NONCE_KEY’, ” );

    i copied the corresponding ones to the bb-config.php one

    when i log out of bbpress wordpress is still logged in..


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