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Login in problems with WordPress/bbPress

  • @ddierking


    I’m having login problems with my WordPress and bbPress integration. I have to login to both programs. However, when I log out of either program, I log the other program out.

    I have WordPress 2.8.1 and bbPress 1.0 installed.

    WordPress is installed on the main directory (i.e., my-site-url)

    bbpress is installed as a subdirectory (i.e., my-site-url/bbpress)

    I’ve checked to make sure the four keys in the wp-config and bb-config files match up.

    I’ve checked to make sure the auth_salt and logged_in_salt keys match up between WordPress and bbPress

    The cookies generated seem to be correct.

    It creates a wordpress logged in cookie (e.g., wordpress_logged_in_f1f3…a00a)

    with a path of /

    It creates five wordpress cookies (e.g., wordpress_f1f3…a00a)

    with the following paths






    Since I’m setting up my site, I have uninstalled and reinstalled the programs with the same problem. Perhaps, there is a step I’m missing. Any ideas to correct this would be appreciated!

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  • @ashfame


    Its always hard to track what you missed as compared to a fresh procedure. If you are doing fresh installations of both then I would want you to take a look at my tutorial that I wrote yesterday :

    and if they already hold data, then we will try to trace the cause and get it fixed.

    Hope that helps! :)




    Thanks for replying. Here’s some more details that might resolve the problem after reading your tutorial.

    I have WordPress and bbPress installed on separate databases. I know bbPress is connecting to the WP user tables because when I add a user I see it added on the bbPress side.

    I did not change the default table prefixs for WordPress or bbPress per your tutorial.

    On the bbPress WordPress Integration page I have all the fields filled out except the following:

    – secure auth cookie salt

    – WP MU Primary blog ID

    – User database “user” table

    – User database “user meta” table

    Let me know if think the above items maybe the cause. Thanks.



    I didn’t get it. If you are not using the same databases, then how come the users are being shared? Are you sure on this?



    have you intasllaed the plugin in wordpress for cookie integration ? And after this, have you modify the wp-config.php in the wordpress root folder with the COOKIE_DOMAIN and COOKIEPATH ?



    No plugin is needed for integrating WP2.8 with bbP1.0 and no need of playing with COOKIES setting too if you have bbP in a sub-directory.



    i have wp 2.8 and bbP 1.0 and without cookie integration plugin on wordpress i couldn’t access to bb-admin after the login in wordpress…if you use only the bb press login it’s not necessary, but if you use login on wordpress, like me, it’s necessary




    I have successfully integrated them without a plugin as per my tutorial in the 2nd post.



    but you use bbpress in a subdomain ?



    I was able to resolve the problem and get it working thanks to my sloppiness.

    The problem was created when I generated the four keys. I simply copied and pasted them to the wp-config file and the bb-config file. However, the defined keys are different in each file. For the wp-config file the auth key is defined as AUTH_KEY. Whereas, in the bb-config file it is defined as BB_AUTH_KEY. Once I put the BB_ prefix in for the four keys in the bb-config file it worked.

    I do have the two programs working without the bbpress plugin.

    I still have it setup as separate databases. The users are shared by defining it in the bbPress WordPress integration page by checking the “Show advanced database settings” and input your database information.

    Thanks for your help.

    On to the next step — Theme Integration!




    Nope! I have installed bbPress into a sub-directory. I will look forward to install it in a sub-domain also.



    Hi all,

    I followed all directions I have been able to find on the web but I still have a problem… logging in to BBPress logs me out of WordPress and vice versa. All settings and config files look ok.

    The site is at, and the forums are at

    Any ideas?



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