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Login errors after conversion form PHPBB

  • @bertroode


    We encountered a severe problem. A couple of weeks ago we converted our PHPBB forum to bbPress.
    The converted forum was doing all functions as expected. Since three days ago users who where already member on the PHPBB forum cannot login after renewing their password when they donot spell the nice-name correctly.
    Then they get the message: Warning: register_shutdown_function(): Invalid shutdown callback ‘BBP_Converter_DB::__destruct’ passed in E:\wamp64_bert\www\forum\wp-content\plugins\bbpress\includes\admin\classes\class-bbp-converter-db.php on line 35
    So far we have traced that it must have something to do with the information stored in the table usermeta with meta_key ‘_bbp_class’. When we remove that record the user can login as expected.

    The only change to the systems has been the update of WordPress. May be that has something to do with it. Our knowledge of debuging is rather limited so we need urgent advice on how to fix this problem.
    We have seen that similar problems have been reported in the past but no solution other then removing and reentering the user was mentioned. That is not a reel solution because the orignal name of the author is lost.

    Wo can provide us a solution or hint to solve our problem.

    Best regards,

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  • @robin-w


    hmmm.. that meta_key is used during transition, but should I think be deleted as part of the cleanup process. It is not needed in normal use.

    There is some code called during password process that does a check which is where this is falling down

    I’d suspect that then process did not complete correctly and has left this behind.

    I’d suggest a couple of actions.

    Firstly find a user who can help you, who has not changed password and who can log on. Without them (or you!) changing their password, delete the ‘_bbp_class’ meta key, and check that they can still log in ok. If so, then get them to change password and check that all is ok.
    That should then give you confidence that this key is not needed for some interim process.


    1. if you have the knowledge to backup the user table so that you have a record, I’d suggest you take a copy and then run some php/sql to delete these records
    2. more cautiously, I’d suggest maybe you rename that meta-key, that way you can name it back if needbe.

    both of these would require pho or sql knowledge.

    I’m quite happy to help if you’d like – contact me via with a link to this thread so I can tie it up.



    I think you are rigth about the transition items that are still left in the databaase.
    Because there are a lot of those records in the database I think the best thing is to make a clean start again. Because the user and forum information in the database is not corrpted I will use Tool > Export and Import to get the relevant data in a fresh built system.

    It is a strange problem that all of the sudden popped up and a fresh start is likley the quickest way to a solution.
    When that does solve the bug I will contact you.

    Best regards and thanks for your reaction,
    Bert Roode



    great – let me know if you need further help



    Just reread what you wrote


    exporting and importing users and forums will not I think fix anything

    exporting and importing forums, topics and replies is not a good idea – this can destroy relationships between topics and replies.

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