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list only most recently active threads

  • @sixf00t4


    in widgets, we only have a choice between newest threads and newest replies. When a thread is very active, it fills up all the most recent replies, but it would be nice to just have a list of the most recently active threads instead of having “good” threads get flooded by 1 very active thread.

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    I don’t understand what you’re asking for. The topics widget has several display options.



    hmm…maybe I’ll lay out the scenario…

    I want to avoid a most recent reply widget that looks like:

    Person A in topic Y
    Person B in topic Y
    Person C in topic Y
    Person D in topic Y
    Person E in topic Y
    Person F in topic Y
    Person A in topic Z

    It’d be nice to just have Topic Y show once, as the most recently active thread, and topic Z under it.



    If you use the “Recent Topics” widget instead of the “Recent Replies” widget, you can choose “order by : Topics with recent replies” (it’s in the dropdown menu) and you’ll get what you want. If I’ve understood correctly, that is.



    wow, yeah, that’s half of what I wanted and didn’t realize was available. I do still want to show the person who posted the last reply though–otherwise, the widget seems “unformatted” or boring…It’d be nice to have a quick reference on who was the last person to post in that active topic while people are active and responding to other topics. As I see it now, it can only show the topic creator.

    But thanks for pointing out that feature – seems like what I want is a join of the 2 widget queries.



    Ah, ok, I understand what you want (I think). I have a page like that where I use the [all-recent-topics] shortcode : . I’m going to try using it in a text widget* but when that doesn’t look like I want, will copy / paste / edit and make a new shortcode to use. (I like shortcodes.) I’ll probably get to it sometime this week and can post it if you’d like, with the caveat that you’ll need to adjust the styling for your site.

    *if you want to use shortcodes in text widgets add

    // Use shortcodes in text widgets.
    	 add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode');

    to your functions.php file.



    the other thing I’m noticing now that I’ve switched is, yes, it shows the thread with the most recent activity, but the link takes you to the first post. In a thread with 30 pages…that’s less than desirable. If you have to do the join for author of the last post, it’s probably just as easy to get the post ID to append the link, right?

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