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Limit to the number of posts in a thread?

  • @citizenkeith


    I’m a new bbPress user. I’m using the forum for some online friends to just hang out and chat. We were doing this on another forum that decided not to host it anymore.

    They were using vBulletin, and it had a couple quirks. They limited the number of posts in a thread to 1000. Whenever it would get to that point, they’d close it and start a new one. The reason given was that when they reindexed the database, threads with a large number of posts would cause the indexing to choke.

    Should I follow the same procedure wth bbPress?

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  • Don’t think so. Vbulletin is obsoleet even phpbb3 (more then 1.5 years late) isn’t as fast and need as bbpress is. I don’t think 1000 post will be a problem since bbpress is “build” a differnt way (don’t know the english terms to explain it right) :P



    It really wouldn’t matter I don’t think! I know there are posts in the and forums closing in on that many posts on a topic and not a glitch. Heck, you go for 10,000 and let us know! Should be fine.


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