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Keep spiders out of forum categories?

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  • @fel64


    What forum categories?

    You want a plugin like this:

    Plugin Name: noindex stuff

    add_action('bb_head', 'my_add_noindex_tag');
    function my_add_noindex_tag() {
    if( is_forum_category() )
    echo '<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />';

    That’s off the top of my head, so it may not work without some modification, but that’s what I think the structure needs to be. You’ll need a different conditional tag than is_forum_category(), probably is_forum() if you just wanted to not index forum pages.



    Thanks Fel. I should have added more text:

    I’d like to keep spiders out of forum category 3, but not forum category 4 or 5.

    Specifically I’d like that meta tag to be written to forum category 3 page that lists the threads, and all threads that are in forum category 3.



    So you need to modify the if( … ) statement to look for those properties. What are you having a problem with?


    Plugin Name: noindex stuff

    add_action('bb_head', 'my_add_noindex_tag');
    function my_add_noindex_tag() {
    if( is_forum(3) ) {
    echo '<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />';
    else {
    echo '<!-- please do index -->';

    I modified it a bit to see both conditions… but neither are showing up in my source. Any thoughts?

    I did see it in the plugins control panel, and activate it.



    is_forum() doesn’t take any arguments, so I believe you’d have to use the global var $forum, like so:

    Plugin Name: noindex stuff

    add_action('bb_head', 'my_add_noindex_tag');
    function my_add_noindex_tag() {
    global $forum;
    if($forum->forum_id == 3) {
    echo '<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />';
    else {
    echo '<!-- please do index -->';



    Hmmm still not working. Something’s strange because even this doesn’t show:

    Plugin Name: test stuff

    add_action('bb_head', 'my_add_test_tag');
    function my_add_test_tag() {
    echo '<!-- testing here -->';

    I’ve tried activating/deactivating these plugins, and I’ve tried 2 browsers to ensure it’s not cache I’m seeing. Grr.



    bb_head appears to be a filter.



    Using latest trunk code, but bb_head works fine in combo with add_action here.



    Hi just tried this code but therer is “is_forum_category()” function in my install (ver 0.83).

    Is this a new one for the next version?

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