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Just launced – integrated with WPMU

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  • @fel64


    That’s cool! For other people’s sake, could you explain (roughly?) how you managed to integrate bb with WPMU?

    Also, completely unrelated, I notice that theme “Light” is very similar to “SpotLight”. Which is odd.



    oh yeah, look at that! I never heard of spotlight.

    I really hacked it.

    First I followed the instructions here…

    I was surprised how easy it was. In seconds bbpress was installed and sharing the same user table as wpmu.

    I never could get wpmu to run on top of bbpress. Evertime I tried wpmu would think I wanted to create a blog named boards instead of load the installation of bbpress in the directory called boards. (If anyone has a solution for that PLEASE point me in the right direction) So I “faked” it. I included the css file from my wpmu theme. Made some static changes to the header of bbpress just using HTML and there you have it!



    BTW – that should be launched in the title. I AM the worlds most horrible speller. Sorry.



    Oh, so you set up the tables manually? Not sure what the installation of bb actually involves, but you just went through and tried to replicate everything?



    Actually the opposite BBpress is running as is with some minor tweaking, I faked the wpmu header on the top. That’s just static html.



    it’s amazing how many links here no longer use wp or bbpress what did they do try it out then switch ?



    Am I the only one that notices that that link goes to a blogger blog? :)



    I never could get wpmu to run on top of bbpress. Evertime I tried wpmu would think I wanted to create a blog named boards instead of load the installation of bbpress in the directory called boards. (If anyone has a solution for that PLEASE point me in the right direction)

    My friend (atomAstro on here) figured this out. In your wpmu-settings.php file you need to add some code around line 119.


    if( $blogname == 'bbpress' ){
    return true;

    Should be added right above this:

    if( is_array( $pages ) == false )
    return false;

    Change $blogname = ‘bbpress’ to whatever your bbPress directory is called.



    wow nice site ;)



    What were you trying to do.. allowed all blogs to have a bbpress? I have bbpress playing very nicely with WPMU at (and If I wasn’t so broke It’d even be online right now.)



    Ummm im seeing wordpress and bbpress.



    It’s a very nice integration.

    There’s a problem with the text contrast though, the text colour is too light on the white background and that makes it hard to read for some people.

    IMHO there’s also too much text on each page with nothing breaking it up like smaller images.

    Am I imagining things or is this like the third weightloss site using bbpress posted here? Are these just “made for adsense” sites?



    macbis, after 8 months since you posted I kept hitting this when I tried to install bbPress in a subdirectory inside WPMU. Your fix worked just dandy! Thank you.. now on to doing the rest of the integration. :-)



    The problems you are describing sound like .htaccess problems and should be solvable.

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