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  • @maringorama


    Hi all.

    Sorry, if this is the wrong forum ..
    We are a non-profit organisation, ARTSCENICO –, and we have recently updated our website, and installed a bbPress forum. After now something like 6 or 7 plugins installed, I get a bit lost in it all, and I would need help to technically manage the site, and do some adjustments now and then, maybe improve it by having one or 2 paid plugins who do it all, instead of so many where you loose the overview. So basically I look for someone to help us develop there forum, preferably someone from EU as we are a European federation, and yes we think of paying this person. But all this would then be a question of details to clear between us.

    If you – on top of it – are very good in wordpress homepages / template adaptions etc. This would be a plus, as some help might be needed there now and then too.

    If you are interested, please contact us with some information about you via our website. Thank you 🙂

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