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jDate and Jalali dates

  • @7i7griffin



    I see the jDate function in the bbPress but I can’t find how to use it. Am I need to write a plugin like WP-Jalali for bbPress or no bbP have the skills to make dates Jalali?

    I will be proud if you help me to make Persian language bbPress support


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  • @7i7griffin


    And another question, will the the stable bbP be upgradeed? The last one is 1.1, if you don’t wanna work on it anymore I have something to do and update it for my people.

    It’s my proud to publish bbPress in my language!




    I don’t see anything in bbPress core regarding jDate, and am unfamiliar with what it is. PHP has some jd functions for handling/converting Julian dates, but I’m afraid I cannot teach you PHP – it must be learned. :)

    Regarding bbPress 1.0/1.1, we are still actively creating/supporting/maintaining all previous versions. Thanks for the offer, but we have everything under control. :)




    I have a PHP class for jDate but I saw something in the core cause of that I asked. Now I must make a plugin for jDate :-)

    But your Docs are not very good and it’s hard to make it!

    About regrading, you made vr.2 a plugin cause of that I get mistake :-D

    We will wait! but if you add Automatic Update to bbPress for the first step it will be intresting! Can we port the WP one tp bbP?




    John I’ve question about that the Date function must be in ThemeFunctions or no, that is in bbPress Core and I need to convert that to jDate function?

    We coded a plugin that with found jDate in somewhere will convert it into Jalali date but I don’t know we must with require_once function include the core or no, the theme must have the jDate… :)

    And can you say when will you work on the perevius versions? And when the stable 2.0 come (cause of that we need to prepare to support it too!)?


    AmirSaam امیرسام



    umm… John I now see the about/domains page :-( I am sorry to say I’ve submit < bbPress.iR > for our team :-( Can we continue using it?



    Sorry but no. It directly violates the domain policy.

    No additional new features are planned for bbPress 1.1.



    Can you say I must edit the core (I mean not any version) for show jDate or something else?

    Cause I say that there is nothing in the themes function like WordPress themes that call date. In bbPress themes, we saw just calls from core like profile_base_content that have the member since date.

    And do you support us in Persian bbPress project? Something like the Persian WordPress page (



    Follow that function up the stack to find where the date functions are. They are most likely exact copies of the WordPress one.

    Once bbPress picks up more momentum, I’ll look into getting international sub domains setup. We have two on the table right now.



    Thanks for the answers…

    John I saw that all of formats (like number format and date format) is in a file name in bb-includes directory…

    If our plugin convert the functions in this file (bb_gmdate_i18n & bb_number_format_i18n) to Persian formats, will all the formats in anywhere being reformated?



    John I need this answers…

    bbPress 1.1 is translated 50%, if we don’t have a Jalali date format we cannot publish it :(



    :-/ No One?

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