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is it possible to make bbpress look & work like a traditional forum with plugins

  • @akgt


    is it possible to make bbpress look & work like a traditional forum with plugins?

    with the easy to read/find threads, read/unread posts, polls, moderation features, Reputation, rating, User Promotionsposition (admin, mod, ext) Warning System, ext.

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  • @lynq


    I would say its definitely possible, but not everything will be easy and done already, so it could take some time to fully customise to your needs.



    do you have a list of plugins that can can be done



    I just want it look and  have  the features of Mybb/Phpbb



    Personally I would approach it like a process you would like to complete, in order of importance.

    I would have a list of extra features and a list of stuff that has to be there, in order of priority. You work your way through the stuff you have to have in your forum and then once that is complete you can release it for the world to enjoy, then over time develop or find plugins for the extra bits you would like to have. A good starting point is the starter theme I created for bbPress, I think you have already looked at it, so get that working really nice, then move onto the next bit in your list.

    It’s kind of difficult for anyone to list off all your requirements and reply with perfect plugins, it is easier for people to take one feature at a time and help with that.

    Good luck! 🙂



    I recently installed Buddypress and BBpress and was thinking about how I could add all the nifty features of phpBB such as BBcodes and stuff.  Then I remembered that hardly anyone uses most of them and here’s a big reality check – Facebook doesn’t even let you use bold or italic and they have a BILLION users.

    Bottom line – don’t waste time adding a bunch of stuff that you think might be cool but actually have little or no effect on activity.



    I tried your the in buddypress but i get the following error

    The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.



    Turns out i was installing in the wrong place,

    I’ve just installed on bp 1.7beta & bbpres and it works.

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