You probably could but I think retroengineering the plugin to work in both wordpress and bbpress would be more trouble than its worth. My site just uses two very simple avatar plugins that work basically the same, 68-gravatar and 4avatars. I know one plugin would be simpler to maintain but I think the amount of work required to make it function in both would be counter productive unless you had a really good reason to want the same one in both
Users of our site should not upload their avatar twice and thats why i’d like to let them work together. any other simply idea?
It can be done as I am using a custom avatar plugin that I use with my wpmu install that pulls the avatar from the wpmu side when comparing the user id from bbPress and the wpmu user (as they are the same with integration).
In terms of normal wordpress, I am not sure if one exists. I know lots have used gravatar or mybloglog as their base avatar system (myself included) just to make integration easier 
Can you give me a short introduction, howto?
Just some step by step thingy? Pleease
I would like to, but the plugin I am using is restricted to WPMU exclusively (not normal wordpress) and was purchased through WPMUDEV Premium services and the copyright is so that you have to pay them to use it.
If you are looking at a combination avatar plugin, have you searched google for “wordpress bbpress common avatar” or something similar? Have you checked out the plugin directory to see what is offered here for avatars up and above the “service” company avatars like gravatar?