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Introducing plugins for Quotes, Ratings and Unread Posts

  • @sadr


    Hey fellow forumites. We’ve been using bbPress 2 to much delight over at for a little while now. After transitioning from the legacy BuddyPress forum, we needed a couple custom plugins made to reach feature parity with our old forum. One of our members, destroflyer, brilliantly stepped up to the task and made these plugins:

    Please be aware that @destroflyer cannot actively support these plugins (legitimate bug reports are welcome of course) since their original intent was for in-house use, and he’s making them public as a courtesy.


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  • @yadus


    I am using a wp-editor as textarea and it has a bug. When you are in your tab “Visual” then the quote plugin doesn’t work but when you are in the “text” tab then the plugin does work.

    Does anyone has a idea how i can fix this?

    Link to example here…



    Bump on this, anyone … ? Quote only pulls into text tab.



    Hi Erlend
    Hi Matrixd

    About time
    In plougin about you should not use time() ony current_time() function
    echo “aaaaaaaaaaaaaa” .date(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’,current_time(“timestamp”, $gmt = 0)) ;
    echo “bbbbbbbbbbb” .date(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’,time()) ;
    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa2013-05-05 21:37:41
    bbbbbbbbbbb2013-05-05 19:37:41

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa2013-05-05 21:37:41 my WordPress date not serwer time

    Best Regards



    By the way
    Very good plugins.

    But not work quotes with TinyMCE as post editor
    I will try in free time check this feature



    I would like a rating plugin which highlight the best rating reply exactly like BuddyPress Rate Forum Posts. How to integrate this ?? Thanks a lot



    Thanks so much!!



    Hi all

    I now this topic is over a year old but I was hoping someone might be able to help.

    I have downloaded and activated the bbPress Post Ratings plugin.

    I have bbPress 2.5.3 installed with forums and posts working.

    Should the plugin work with the version of bbPress?

    How do I use the plugin so I can rate the posts in the forum.

    Thanks in advance for any help.



    Hi there same problem here, I use Buddypress and bbpress, I installed BBpress post rating and now I have the “like” and “dislike” in the topic post but as the user have buddypress page in profile thats cut off the Karma. There’s a way to integrate BBpress post rating with Buddypress profile? Thanks in advance for any suggestion. marco


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