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Integration URL Problems

  • @john32


    (I removed all references tot he URL due to the spam plugin hating me for it)

    I installed WordPress 2.7.1 first then bbPress 1.0-Alpha-6. When I first installed I set the follow settings,

    bbPress Admin – Settings – WP Integration:

    WordPress address (URL): URL with WWW

    Blog address (URL): URL with WWW

    My main admin / keymaster has to log into both WP and bbPress to access both. I want to integrate it so I can log into one and access both.

    I realized that in WP my WP URL and Blog URL, they are both the same, was set to (URL WITHOUT WWW) so I changed it in the bbPress settings. You would think since both WP and bbPress now actually match things would get better? They got worse.

    I have a Maintenance Mode plugin that denies access to every page in WP (Excluding the forums since they aren’t a part of WP) unless you are logged in as an admin on the WP side. When the URL and Blog were set to (URL with WWW) I had to log into bbPress and then WP but could see all of the WP pages.

    Now that I changed the URL to exclude the www I can now log into bbPress AND be AUTOMATICALLY logged into WP BUT I can no longer see the WP pages indicating WP doesn’t see me as an admin. Not only that but when in the WP Admin and I try to log out it gives me an error:

    You are attempting to log out of AscenDance Radio

    Please try again.

    With a link back to my admin page. It never lets me log out and only happens after I go into bbPRess Admin Panel and change the URL / Blog to match the actual URL that WP has in its settings.

    It has nothing to do with the Maintenance Mode plugin either. I take it off and try to leave a comment on a post but bbPress and WP Admin see me logged in BUT the post requires me to enter my name and email address as if it doesn’t know I’m logged in.

    So basically bbPress and WP Admin knows I’m logged in but my actual WP Site had no clue.

    When I put,


    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );

    into both the wpconfig and bbpressconfig files it will no longer let me log into both WP and bbPress. If I log into WP first I can access all my WP Pages but when I try to log into bbPRess after the page just refreshes and my login information clears. If I log into bbPress first it lets me get into my WP Admin but my WP Pages can’t be access due to the plugin not recognizing I’m an admin. I also get the same error when trying to log out of the WP Admin.

    I tried only adding the cook domain / path code to ONLY wpconfig and receive the same error as mentioned in the above paragraph.

    I also just tried adding all that code from the Integration 101 8 step solution and get the same problems as mention in the big paragraph above.

    The closet I get to having it work is when I add www to all the bbPress settings. I just tried adding to the 8 step code snippet (the URL portions, I did not touch the cookie domain or any other domains) AND changing the URL and Blog to (URL with WWW) and it lets me log into both giving me access to everything I want, bbPress / WP Admin AND WP Pages as my plugin now sees me as an admin.

    The only problem is that’s not integrated login.

    Do you think if I change, in WP Admin, my URL and Blog URL to (URL with WWW) (As opposed to what it is now, it would fix the problem? I tried changing the name before and ruined my WP site and had to reinstall (Afterward I figured out I could have changed the value through myphpadmin and proceeded to cry for days). Could I ruin my WP site if I change the URL and Blog address to include www?

    Is there someway somewhere a function / cookie / database value is requiring a www and that’s why things seem to work better when I include it in my bbPress Admin Settings?

    I try to go to (URL with WWW) and it automatically redirects me to (URL WITHOUT WWW) so I don’t understand why www would be needed for anything.

    I hope I was clear and concise enough to get some good help. I’ve spent over 8 hours debugging this before turning for help so anything at this point is greatly appreciated! Thanks!! :-)

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  • @kevinjohngallagher


    “You are attempting to log out of AscenDance Radio

    Please try again.”

    ah, right, i can help you here. First read my reply to ashfame who him a similar issue yesterday. What you want to do is close teh browser and clear the cache and cookies entirely. You’re loading up /wp-login.php?loggedout=true – but that page’s sole purpose it to remove the cookie which it cannot find in exactly the format it wants – so WP freaks out.

    You need to supply us with the answer to the following questions before we can help:

    1) Are you using Ann’s plugin to make WP2.7.1 cookies compatible with BB0.9 ?

    2) Are you using _ck_’s plugin ot make BB0.9 cookies compatible with WP2.7.1 ?

    3) Are you trying to integrate WP2.7.1 to BB0.9 without either of these plugins?

    btw, if the answer to 1 & 2 is NO and 3 is Yes, then i have to tell you it won’t work.

    May i also suggest two things which should help greatly? 1) set everything up at home or on a development environment first, that way you’re not getting these issues on a live website. 2) Take off the Maintenance Mode plugin. There’s no point in asking for help with an issue when it’s quantified by “i also have a plugin which hides almost all of the data useful to help debug”.

    Lets see if we can’t get your sorted :)



    Very valid point about the plugin. :-)

    I disabled it. I need to run for about another hour but will try your suggestion and report back what happens then.

    Thanks for the help!!



    To answer your question, all 3 of them, I am using bbPress 1.0-Alpha-6.

    Here’s something interesting. When both WP URL and bbPress URL’s match, no www, if I log into WP Admin FIRST and then try logging into bbPress, the bbPress login will refresh itself but it will not change to what you see when you log in.


    Once I log out of WP Admin and refresh that same forum page with the empty login and password fields?

    Just by hitting refresh once I have logged out of WP, it automatically switches the login to my logged in box with my profile link, admin link, etc.

    I’m going to try some more tweaking and see what I can come up with. :-D

    EDIT: After hitting refresh logs me into my forums, I go to my WP Admin and, even though I just logged out, it lets me into my WP Admin area. I try logging out here and get that error loop. I do what you said to do Kev, /wp-login.php?action=logout, and it asks me if I want to log out. I do logout successfully. I go back tot he forums, where I’m still logged in, REFRESH that forum page, go back to my WP Admin and AGAIN I’m logged in!

    The huge gaping problem with this is if I go to my main site and click on a post it asks me for my name and email, as if I wasn’t logged in.

    I’ll keep trying.

    2nd EDIT: I guess it would be nice to include the link to my forums.



    Does anyone have any input please?

    I took down the plugin for good.




    Can anyone who has successfully got both WP and bbPress to use the same cookies please post what code you used in your wpconfig and bbconfig to them to work?

    I understand there are countless thread with this information but I’ve tried different various combinations of the code to no avail.




    I SOLVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!

    Since no one anywhere was giving me answers and since I’m stubborn and must solve problems, I spent yet another 10+ hours troubleshooting and I did it!!!

    Want to know the simple as hell fix?

    Well, besides including,

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ”);

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

    In WP Config and the following in bbPress Config, (Notice how cookie domain and cookie path are the EXACT SAME in both configs)

    // WordPress database integration speedup

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’;

    $bb->user_bbdb_name = ‘changed’;

    $bb->user_bbdb_user = ‘changed’;

    $bb->user_bbdb_password = ‘changed’;

    $bb->user_bbdb_host = ‘localhost’;

    $bb->user_bbdb_charset = ‘utf8’;

    $bb->user_bbdb_collate = ”;

    $bb->custom_user_table = ‘wp_users’;

    $bb->custom_user_meta_table = ‘wp_usermeta’;

    // WordPress cookie integration speedup

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘same URL’;

    $bb->wp_home = ‘same URL’;

    $bb->cookiedomain = ”;

    $bb->cookiepath = ‘/’;

    $bb->authcookie = ‘wordpress_HASH’;

    $bb->secure_auth_cookie = ‘wordpress_sec_HASH’;

    $bb->logged_in_cookie = ‘wordpress_logged_in_HASH’;

    $bb->admin_cookie_path = ‘/forums/bb-admin’;

    $bb->core_plugins_cookie_path = ‘/forums/bb-plugins’;

    $bb->user_plugins_cookie_path = ‘/forums/my-plugins’;

    $bb->sitecookiepath = ‘/’;

    $bb->wp_admin_cookie_path = ‘/wp-admin’;

    $bb->wp_plugins_cookie_path = ‘/wp-content/plugins’;

    // End integration speedups

    I also did what I should have done from the start but didn’t because I am a DUMBASS,

    I copied the following from WP config,

    define(‘AUTH_KEY’, ‘randomexcrement’);

    define(‘SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘randomexcrement’);

    define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘randomexcrement’);

    define(‘NONCE_KEY’, ‘randomexcrement’);

    AND EXACTLY AS YOU SEE IT THERE (Even the spaces in between so the WP Config and bbPress config matched even those spaces in between lines) I copied it over to bbPress Config, adding the “BB_” prefix to it,

    define(‘BB_AUTH_KEY’, ‘randomexcrement’);

    define(‘BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘randomexcrement’);

    define(‘BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘randomexcrement’);

    define(‘BB_NONCE_KEY’, ‘randomexcrement’);

    Even though I looked at character for character there was something off and by copying and replacing that information I can now log into WP and it logs me in bbPress and logging out of one logs me out of the either.

    I hope this helps someone out there!!!

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