Integration Problems Now Can’t log in at all.
Ok so I have searched the forums but didn’t see any relevant. I just installed bbpress and then went to setting and set the correct settings for integration with my separate wp database. Now I didn’t see the change when I went to the forums so I logged out cleared mu cache and cookies and went to log in with the same user name as before but it comes up as the user name is not registered. It doesn’t make sense it looks like it integrated the db’s fine but erased by login information. Is there a way to check to see if it integrated correctly? Also is there a way to make another or recover my admin login information since it looks like it deleted it.
Edit: I just tried to register a new user name and it gave me this error.
Warning: mysql_insert_id(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/hyperhoo/public_html/businessperfection/forum/bb-includes/db-mysql.php on line 180
make sure you have the bb-config.php file set up correctly.
go to bbPress Admin > Settings > WordPress Integration.
Then tick the check box that says “Show manual config settings”. Make sure you copy all of the information that then shows up. Into the your bb-config.php.
I had trouble with this, until i did this and it worked some how. Other than that I dont know what I can do.
Good Luck!
Thanks for the reply but I can’t login still and so I can’t get into the admin panel until I manage to log in. Do you know how to reset the login information?
I managed to find this in the forums here but I don’t the query string I need to make inorder to create a new user and I changed my password in the beginning so I don’t even know if it applys. Any suggestions?
Edit: Here is the link
Would this help?
I actually did try that and unless I didn’t do it correctly it didn’t help at all. any more suggestions. I guess I could delete the installation but I don’t want to mess up my wp database doing that. I don’t even know if they are integrated. It seems as thought they are. Is there a way tell if it’s integrated?
Also I just realized my user name only shows up to the letter u and not the last letter p. I am using firefox 3 because it rules. Maybe somebody should fix that.
The CSS for .threadauthor looks like this:
overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: hidden;The end of a long username will just be hidden, that’s all. It’s not something to be fixed. In FF, I see hyperhook but if I resize the font, I can see more or less of the name. It’s just a layout thing. Long usernames would break the narrow layout without the overflow being hidden.
You’re not using WPMU are you? I just noticed this in the first post:
mu cache
That’s just a typo though, right? It was ‘my cache and cookies’?
Do you have direct access to the database? Can you look and see what the meta information for the admin or keymaster account actually looks like?
Also, that “Fix Admin Access” plugin will only work if your keymaster account is ID #1. Is that true for your installation?
Yes I do have direct access as far as I know. how would I go about finding that information? I am not sure if my id is #1 or not. How would I find out if it is.
No I am not using wpmu it was just a typo.
There is a table bb_usermeta (or whatever table prefix you used) that will have a record bb_capabilities and a meta_value of
. You need to find the account that has that value; that’s your keymaster account.With an integrated installation, I think the table will be wp_usermeta. To figure out what account it is first, look in the wp_users table and find the keymaster account, and then take the ID from there and check the wp_usermeta table for the proper capabilities.
I think with the proper ID, if it’s not 1, you can change the id in the “Fix Admin Access” to this ID and try the plugin again.
OK I checked the wordpress database users and came up with the only user name registered which is my admin user and the id is 3. Then I went and checked it against the user meta and it has all the correct settings for an admin account. I then went into the bb database users and found the keymaster account which id is 1. I checked it against the bb database user meta and it has the setting you specified above and a few others. I think its because my admin id on my wp database is 3 and not one. Do you think that is the problem? If so how do I go about fixing it without messing everything up? Thanks for your help BTW. I appreciate it.
I don’t think that’s it. With an integrated install, you should only be using the wp_users table, not the bb_users.
There used to be a trick, not sure it this works any longer.
Might be worth a shot. Sorry I can’t be of more help.
Ok I tried it and no success. If i delete all bbpress files and then try to reinstall will it mess up the wp database since I think I integrated it? Also where is a very detailed explanation of integrating with wp so I don’t mess it up again?
I would back up your database first, just to be sure.
If you delete all the files, nothing happens to WordPress.
If you delete all the bb_ tables, that does not affect WordPress.
I’m not sure how you get rid of the bb users from the wp_users table. But once you delete all the bb_ tables from the database, you should verify that you can log in to WordPress admin fine. You might want to manually delete the bb users from the wp_users table, but you’d have to be careful if they created any content in WordPress that would be keyed to their id.
I think this covers integration:
What are you trying to gain with an integrated installation? Maybe you don’t even need it.
Just the syncing of cookies and do users don’t have to log in again and or register again. Nothing else.
Going back to the first post, what does this mean:
the db's fine but erased by login information
It seems that the installation went well, you just need to figure out what user to log in with. If you can’t do that, why not register a new user with your email address. (Check the wp_users table now for the last id, and then after you register, make sure you look for the new id.) It will get the normal permissions of a member, then go into the database and modify that user’s meta info to give them moderator permissions? Then log in with as that user?
It’s really confusing me why suddenly there are so many people having trouble integrating bbPress 0.9 with WordPress 2.5
You aren’t trying to do what I call “reverse integration” are you – where you install bbPress first and THEN install WordPress? That can only lead to lots of problems (and tears).
Anyway, the automated integration process should pretty solid, except the part where you have to copy the secret key manually (which I strongly disagree with but that’s the way Sam wants to do it).
I think I need to install a fresh copy of 2.5 and try integrating 0.9 to see what all these issues are.
Oh and “separate wp database”. Does this mean you decided NOT to install bbPress’s tables into the same db as WordPress but a whole new mysql db? I’m not even sure the automated integration can handle that.
@_ck_ Yes I did install it in a seperate db. I thought thats what it meant when it said seperate. i just didn’t want to mess up my wp db if I had to customize it or reinstall or do something of that type.
@chrishajer I can’t register a new user. I got the error.
Warning: mysql_insert_id(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/hyperhoo/public_html/businessperfection/forum/bb-includes/db-mysql.php on line 180
How would I install it with the wp db?
Update: I have decided to just delete the database’s and reinstall it in the wp db. I am however still confused about how exactly to integrate when I install. If somebody could point me to a nice detailed tutorial I would appreciate it.
I ran into the same problem.
When you enable integration, there are a couple of rows that are created in the bbp_topicsmeta table, including wp_siteurl, wp_home, and wp_table_prefix.
After deleting these rows, I was able to log back into my bbPress forum.
hey guys,
I solved this issue for myself by adding a row into my wp_usermeta tablein my wordpress database, and adding this :
NULL , ‘1’, ‘bbpcapabilities’, ‘a:1:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;}’
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