Installation Successful But Not Showing UP
I installed bbpress supposedly successfully. I received confirmation email and the install went smoothly. But when I actually go to the link I get nothing. I don’t get what’s up here.
Any ideas?
The blank screen is from a 500 Internal Server Error:
[~]$ curl -I
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 07:51:12 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Connection: keep-alive
Server: Apache
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.12
If you have access to logs you can see what’s going on to cause this. Other possibilities are any plugins you might have active, which would be weird since you just installed, or anything else you’ve modified (template files, .htaccess, plugins, etc.) It doesn’t normally happen on a default installation. If you’ve done nothing but unzip and install the files, then maybe you have a corrupt installation, not all the files were properly uploaded or something.
Think I’ll just start from scratch and see what happens. Not too far into anything yet. Had this concern from the beginning. Want to get bbpress integrated and running before I leap into adding our custom theme, etc.
Thanks for the tip. I’ll let you know what happens.
I followed this guide:
Did a fresh install and did everything the same except I did not use www at the start of my url’s and I did not deep integrate yet.
Worked flawlessly. And integration is seemless. But the forum theme I’m using requires deep integration.
So when I went to add: require_once(‘/../wp-load.php’); for deep integration it blows up again and nothing shows up at the link for the forums.
I think the problem is obviously something I’m doing wrong to get deep integration working.
Thoughts? Thanks in advance!
Hi there,
Can i ask what version of WordPress and what version of bbPress you’re using please?
Basically, the guide you followed was recorded at a time when we were on bbPress0.9 and WP2.7; we’re now on bbPress1.0 and WP2.9 so there’s been a large number of changes since then, and integration wasn’t something that Automattic had prioritized to make work.
Could you look at your error log to see exactly what is going wrong? until we know that we’ll struggle to help any more than guessing.
That said, your bbPress install uses “www” while your WordPress doesn’t. No idea if thats the issue or not, but given how difficult “deep integration” has become, it’s at least one thing to look at. Throw us your error log iff possible.
Using bbPress 1.0.2 and WP 2.9.2
Where would I find my error log? And I’m assuming you mean when I add the deep integration code into the bb-admin.php file? Because when I don’t add the deep integration code snippet everything works flawlessly.
Your error log is something you get form your hosting people. If your server has a Control Panel of any kind then there should be a link to it on there. If you can’t find it, ask your hosting provider
Is this
inside PHP tags near the top of your bb-config.php file? Like this<?php
* The base configurations of bbPress.
?>If it is properly inside PHP tags, then there might be something wrong with the syntax of that line.
The other thing is, chances are the file is NOT located at the root of the server. You have it starting out here: / – which is the root. Might look more like this:
if wp-load.php is located one directory up. You can also use the full path to the file, if you know it. Like this:require_once('/var/www/htdocs/wordpress/wp-load.php');
Looks like the path is wrong there if you have it starting with a slash, at the root.
Usually, when the path to the file is wrong, you get a php error displayed about not being able to find the file, and here’s all the locations that PHP looked. But maybe your host has those errors turned off (which is a good thing in a production environment.) But you need access to the error logs if the errors are not being displayed, to help you troubleshoot things.
Good eye. This is what I needed:
Once I uploaded that everything was working fine. Cross log-in cookie integration, etc. So I guess I can safely assume I am deep integrated now.
Anyway to verify? If not, I guess I will find out because the theme I’m using for the forums requires deep integration. So if it works then I guess I’m good. lol
Thanks for the help guys.
Marked as solved.
If you can log in at WordPress, navigate to the forums, still be logged in, and then log out and do the reverse, your cookie integration is fine. To test the rest (the reason you included wp-load.php) try using a WordPress function (wp_list_pages()
) in a bbPress template and see if it works. Those would be good tests.
Looks like we’re good. Thanks again guys!
Looks like I’m actually not resolved. Went back to work on this project again today and with
inserted in the bb-config file when I try to go into the forums admin panel it just takes me to a blank page with nothing loaded. It’s at the top of my php file just under the first <?php tag.
I’m flat out stumped as to why this isn’t working and what to do.
Figured it out. Needed: require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/../wp-load.php’);
And I definitely know it worked because my forum theme requires deep integration and was not working before and it is now running correctly.
Hello Everyone,
I am using bbpress latest version with wordpress3.9.2. Everything is working fine on localhost. but when i uploaded the website on my development server. The forum page is fine but when i click on created forum, it gives 500 internal server error.
Please help to get rid of this.
Thank You.
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