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Installation Problem (last time was a disaster!)

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  • @fel64


    I think the contents of your bbpress folder (config.php, bb-includes, bb-images etc) should have been uploaded to /otherblog/forums, and your .htaccess file should go next to them in the /otherblog/forums folder. Good luck :)



    Not sure where things go either. I wish to integrate the forum into existing WP blog (more on this later) so I have common registered users, similar look, and I can easily go back and forth from blog to forum.

    Blog resides here =

    or another way = public_html/blog

    I am going to change the folder name of “bbpress” to “forum” so I position just like blog rather than “inside” blog.





    ronchicago: yes



    Great! I forgot to mention, I wish all access through the WP blog. Not a problem? The forum is an added bell and whistle to the blog.


    The files are now sitting on the server. Can I start tweeking the Forum without messing up the WP blog at this point in time? By tweeking I mean css for look and feel plus custom content.



    The bbPress forum is not really a part of the blog, it’s sort of next to it. With integration, you get login information shared between WP and bbPress, but you will need to do the CSS customization to a bbPress template to make it look like your blog.

    And yes, you can play all you want with the bbPress CSS, it won’t affect your blog at all. They’re totally separate files. I would making a new directory for your new template, so you can always revert to the default template if something goes wrong.

    If you search the forums, there are some people who have had a lot of success making their bbPress installation look like their blog.



    But I will be modifying the database while I am tweeking. I won’t launch until done and then provide a link from my blog to it, right?

    Done for today. Thank you for the help. More later.



    Changing the look and feel is all done with the templates and CSS, nothing in the database. If you don’t provide a link to the forum, no one will know about it. Of course, if someone guesses there’s a forum at then it will be visible to them. If you’d like to restrict access to it while you are working on it, you can create an .htaccess and .htpasswd file for the public_html/forum directory on the server.



    Maybe this has been addressed above, not sure. The install menu reminds me I am not in the WordPress directory and will need some code tweeking in order for cookies to match with WP, as well as, getting WP functions. To get the WP functions to work in bbPress, more tweeking is required. Is there any advantage to not putting bbPRess inside the directory?

    Ultimately, I simply wish to have one WP blog address with a forum capability inside the WP blog.

    Should I move bbPress inside the WP subdirectory? Or leave it as is and fine tune?



    ok, after a bit more reading, i installed within the subdirectory of WP. I am in. Now the fun begins.

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