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Install help

  • I take some days to install the bbpress forum software and still can’t pass step 1.

    I have checked many topics at “install”, “installation” and “config.php” etc. in FORUMS and try it.

    After read these topics, I was confused.

    1. If I only need forum and don’t need blog. Do I need install WordPress?

    2. Do I need to fill the Show Advanced Setting in step 1? I checked the bb-config-sample.php file, it prompt “If you are installing for the first time, leave them here.”

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  • @chrishajer


    1. No you do not need WordPress

    2. You might. If you want to change the table prefix from bb_ or you need to tell the software that your database lives on a host different than localhost, then YES, you need to Show Advanced Settings. I think the host name is probably most likely.

    Thanks, Chrishajer.

    More question:

    1, Do I create database first before running install.php? Both I try ( no database to install and after create database to install), it doesn’t work.

    2, I can’t find the path where is I created database save in, so I entered localhost in the Database Host. I really don’t understand what is the database host and search it in internet, is it belong to company? I use Mysql 5.0.45 . and bbpress- . How can find the path about my database in Linux.

    3, I don’t choose the Show Advanced Settings (default), it is still stuck step 1.

    It is always (There was a problem connection to the database you specified. Please check the settings, then try again.)

    Is it terrible to install it?



    > 1, Do I create database first before running install.php?

    > Both I try ( no database to install and after create database

    > to install), it doesn’t work.

    You need to create a database first, then supply that database name to the installer. In addition, you will need a database user, password and maybe host name.

    > 2, I can’t find the path where is I created database save in, so

    > I entered localhost in the Database Host. I really don’t understand

    > what is the database host and search it in internet, is it belong

    > to company? I use Mysql 5.0.45 . and bbpress- . How can find

    > the path about my database in Linux.

    This information comes from the company that hosts your website. If they allow you to set up a database, somewhere on that page or near that page will show the database name, user name, password and maybe host.

    > 3, I don’t choose the Show Advanced Settings (default), it is still stuck step 1.

    You probably need to do this, but first you need to get the host name from your website host.

    > It is always (There was a problem connection to the database you specified.

    > Please check the settings, then try again.)

    I am going to guess this is because you have not entered all the proper information, or you entered incorrect information. Your host may have to help you with some of these details.

    > Is it terrible to install it?

    No, not once you have all the correct details. If you can’t tell bbPress how to connect to your database, you’re going to be stuck right there until you get some help.

    Chrishajer, thank you for your detailed help.

    Before I installed the bbpress, I have created a database as below:

    1, mysql> create database MyForum_database;

    2, mysql> show database; it is displayed.

    3, to create a dbconnect.php file to test it,


    $con = mysql_connect(“localhost:3306″,”myname”,”mypassword”);

    if (!$con)

    { die(‘Could not connect: “.mysql_error());}


    echo “Successful connect.”

    mysql_select_db(“MyForum_database”, $con);


    4, to run this dbconnect.php file in the

    http://localhost/mrm/bbforum/dbcon.php //mrm is root of my website

    To get the “Successful connect.”

    This means my website host is “localhost” and the database is on the same server as the web site, then this probably should remain localhost in Database Host.

    5, my web site host is ‘localhost’ in my Apache setting in my server.(We have static IP address)

    6, please see my setting in bbpress installation:

    Database name: MyForum_database

    Database user: myname

    Database password: mypassword

    Database host: localhost

    Database character set: utf8

    Database character collation: forum

    bbPress cookie secret key: skyisblue

    Table name prefix: f_

    Where is I wrong? My MyForum_database has been connected, why bbPress installation can’t connect it.

    My database and website are on same server, same host.

    So I wander why…

    Please help again.

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