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Initial Installation – Error Un-resolvable

  • Hi —

    So the first time I tried to install this onto my new database, I selected the WordPress Integration and gave it a go: I received an email telling me I was all set to go, but the installation page reported this error:

    Table ‘wp_users’ already exists

    Table ‘wp_usermeta’ already exists

    >>> User tables will already exist when performing a database integrated installation.

    So I went back to Step 2 and went through the installastion, skipping the Integration part … and again I received the confirmation email, but got the same error:

    Table ‘wp_users’ already exists

    Table ‘wp_usermeta’ already exists

    >>> User tables will already exist when performing a database integrated installation.

    even though, looking at the installation log, it clearly says it skipped the integration part …

    how do I get a fresh installation, or fix the error?

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  • @chrishajer


    Those don’t look like errors to me, they just look like informational messages that the tables already exist, and the reason they already exist is because you are performing a “database integrated installation”, since you already installed WordPress.

    Is there some functionality missing that makes you think these are errors?

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