so you had something that was working but now is not ?
Hello Robin,
My BBpress version was acquired with the global Multinews theme which has BBpress integration.
I was working with BBpress files for this theme in a child. I configured according to my wishes and I realized that the BBpress files of Multinews are old (they have not updated anything on that side).
So I put a current version of BBpress but on the other hand the whole presentation changes in particular at the category and forum level as I indicated in the presentation.
so if I am understanding, you have bbpress template files in your child theme under a folder called bbpress
These are just templates which can be amended to get the look you want, which is obviously what tyhe multinews theme has done.
so if correct you have 3 choices
- stay with the new files and lose the presentation you had
- go back to the old files – if they work, they are just templates and should be fine
- work out which templates are causing the issue and look to update these to any new code (which would require you to understand some php)
If everything was working, then I’d suggest you go back to the old files.
Thank you for your very interesting suggestions.
So if I understand correctly I can continue to use an old BBpress without any risk for the future?
So far everything was fine with him, I just don’t want to worry about the future.
ok, we need to be sure what we are talking about.
if you have :
bbpress in dashboard>plugins
you have template files in your child theme under a folder called bbpress
then bbpress should be at the latest version
but the template files can be older, they just pull in information to display, and if they are not breaking anything, then that is fine.
For your questions:
-Yes, I have a bbpress in the plugins folder (version 2.6.6)
-I have these files there in a Multinews folder => content-archive-forum.php
-I put these files above in a bbpress folder in Multinews-child, and it’s them I’m transforming.
But sometimes I supplement these files with others that are in 2.6.6, for example content-single-user.php. Now I realize that they are not in the same version as those contained in Multinews that will cause me problems.
great – thanks for the info, and hopefully you can now carry on
Merci à vous je vais poursuivre mes investigations.
Bon dimanche