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Import bbPress forum to another WordPress bbpress setup

  • @pankajbisane


    Hi All,

    I am facing an issue while importing bbpreess forum data to another wordpress bbpress forum.

    I have checked that new wordprees setup Post ids are matching with the bbpress forum, topics and replies post ids. So it could lead in conflict.

    Is there best way to migrate forum properly with new post ids for forum, topics and replies with proper relationship/linking of forums, topics and replies.

    Looking for help Urgently !!

    Note: I am using new bbpress Version 2.5.14 and old bbpress version is also 2.5.14


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  • @robin-w


    sorry, but can you explain what is not working ? what is the issue you are facing ?



    I have two wordpress sites, one with bbpress forum running since 7 years and one is new which is running since 2 years.

    I want to migrate forum from old site to new site. But i have checked that post ids of old forum already present in new wordpress site which may conflict.

    I tried Export import from WP tool but not working as topics and replies and authors are not mapped properly. Also i am not sure if import can update existing posts as forum if post id is matched while import.

    Also tried bbpress import feature but there no way to transfer from bbpress to bbpress

    I don’t want to loos any forum, topic, replies and relationship during import.


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