it looks like a known issue with categories having forums with sub forums.
From the little I have been able to investigate, it is related to spam posts not resetting stuff correctly.
I’d suggest you create a reply or new topic, that normally fixes
Say that again? I don’t understand?
I could say it again, but I would only repeat the words 🙂
it is a known issue that sometimes the freshness goes wrong, this is more often seen in forums with categories, forums and sub forums as there are 3 levels for freshness to be correct in.
Since no-one sees what causes, we are just guessing at why it happens, but the most likely answer is stuff being sent to spam typically by askimet.
If you post a new topic/reply in the offending forum, this often, but not always, fixes it
oh, and as per email can you delete me from your site, I am getting an annoying emails
@sbask – I’m still getting emails from your site
Can you send me an example? As you should be removed.
sb at