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I want to use bbPress function on WordPress

  • @fromeric


    I’m making website using wordpress and bbPress intergrated together. I want to put a login form in wordpress header using <?php login_form(); ?>. What should I do?

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  • @fel64


    You need to include bbPress. To do this, make sure that your bbPress supports being integrated thoroughly with WordPress (not just users, also functions), then open your wordpress config file and at the bottom put require_once('path/to/bb-load.php'); That’ll let you use the bb functions too.



    Thanks, Should “path/to/bb-load.php” this be like this?


    I’m getting errors…

    Would you explain little bit easier?



    It depends where your bb-load.php file is (in relation to your wordpress wp-config.php). You may find it easier to give an absolute path rather than a relative path.



    Im using the latest alpha version, My wordpress is on root, and my forum is on a folder called /community.

    I put this on wp-config.php :-


    im getting this error:-

    Warning: require_once(/community/bb-load.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/eraxeco1/public_html/ on line 2

    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/community/bb-load.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php') in /home/eraxeco1/public_html/ on line 2



    Try using the file path to the file rather than a relative path. The system is telling you it can’t find the file in that location. Try this:




    hey chris, thanks i just did that.. but i still get an error, it some what smaller though but its this:-

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare _http_build_query() (previously declared in /home/eraxeco1/public_html/ in /home/eraxeco1/public_html/ on line 45

    now i haven’t touched any other file, i havent touched compat.php either.



    At least the system can find the file now.

    The Cannot redeclare errors are usually because a function of the same name has already been declared, thus it can’t be redeclared.

    What versions did you integrate?



    Im using BBpress Version 1.0-alpha-6 with WP 2.7.1.. i also have it intergrated cookies and database.





    what am i supposed to do then?



    I haven’t seen an answer to that question yet. There are issues with integration and the alpha versions (and to be fair, it is alpha software which no one has recommended we use.)



    fair enough.. i might as well use the older version.

    do you know if there is a comparison table on what new featues the alpha version has compared to the older one…



    I’m not aware of a comparison table like that. Hopefully someone who knows of one will post a link to it here.



    You know, there’s no good way to say this…

    But wouldn’t that sort of table (and i think it’s a great idea) be classed as documentation?

    And if so, does anyone expect to see it on the BBpress website? Heck the wiki that Sam set up a year ago so that we’d have documentation hasn’t been updated for the last 8 releases…



    The reason these guys are not getting enough help from the likes of CK and others is becuase this is an Autommaticc product, it may be open source, but it’ll get lots of money out of it for any person to help voluntarily… I think they need some programmers and a proper PAID team to develop this,,.. becuase it isn’t going no where. SCROUNGING OF VOLUNTEERS…

    besides all that,.. its a good script but i believe Matt Mullenweg and co are going abit cheapo on this.

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