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I think I need a fix …

  • @maker


    My BBpress forum:

    Basic theme with things mucked around a bit.

    SamBaeurs categories patch

    Hopefully by the time you read this the private forum plugin.

    issues so far:

    1. In IE the right column is waaay out of whack. How do I fix that?

    2. I have the header map appearing in the background of a div – I’d like to put an image map there for those black buttons. Is this possible or is there a better way to do this?

    3. I’m a factory worker not a web designer.

    I gotta say, I REALLY like BBpress. Once BBportal is complete, my god, it’ll be the answer to all my dreams!

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  • @mirce


    1. In IE the right column is waaay out of whack. How do I fix that

    – open style.css, it should be in your templates directory bb-templateskakumei

    – edit style.css with notepad, search for #rightbar

    – change the value of MARGIN-LEFT: as it suites you best – 510px, 450px, 300px, just edit that number and see how it goes.

    #rightbar {

    OVERFLOW-X: hidden; MARGIN-LEFT: 310px; WIDTH: 150px; POSITION: absolute


    Good luck!



    Some absolutely positioned and sized anchor tags over those buttons would do the trick for navigation.



    Mirce, that just puts the sidebar out in firefox…it’s a big difference/space between the 2 browsers.

    EDIT: adding display: inline seems to have done the job.

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