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I think I found a pretty severe posting bug…

  • @rajada


    If someone copy/pastes a paragraph of text that has wiki formatting into a post, I can no longer view the page with the post on it (gives me a 404 error), nor can I use post administration (also gives me a 404 error). The only way to resolve it is to delete the entire topic in topic administration (hopefully there weren’t any posts you liked in it!). The test text I used was very basic, it was text with just a header and body, nothing more and it still caused the issue. It also contained “quotes” but not the straight up and down kind, the slanted kind.

    I’m not certain if this is a known bug, or just my installation acting funny, either way, I really don’t want people purposefully or accidentally forcing me to delete topics, so any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated.

    Oh, and yes I can still post/edit normal text to my forum so no its not my server acting up entirely.

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  • @_ck_


    Sounds like content encoding gone wrong.

    Could actually be a mysql escaping problem since even 1.1 doesn’t use a robust escape (just addslashes if real_escape is not available).

    When you say slanted quotes, do you mean backticks?



    Please post a pastebin link of the rogue text. It will be an interesting reading.



    ANYTHING from this library does it.

    Click story list and select any story, that’s basically what I copy/pasted.

    Its our library, and it’s not purposefully evil or anything… but all wiki format seems to kill the topic when copy/pasted.

    When I say slanted quotes I mean this is a normal quote… “

    A slanted quote is like this:

    I hope there’s a fix or resolution for this… seems kind of bad for forums using this that anyone can post debilitating text and basically destroy your forums.



    EDIT: Copy/pasting this:

    (also a site of ours)

    does the same thing. If I post it on page 2 or later, I don’t get the 404 till I hit the page its on. Also, I get this error sometimes on pages other than page 1 with a bad post… hope it helps…

    Content Encoding Error

    The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    * Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    So yup, there’s that encoding thing… you’re probably right on _ck_.



    What is the address of your forum where this problem is occuring?





    Trying to destroy with 11 different quote characters:

    ” ̏ “ ” „ ‟ ‶ ‵ ‷ ‘ ’ ‛

    I have copy-pasted on my sand-box the code but no problems arise. Do your database character-set is utf-8?



    Well that just tells me its not the quotes, I bet if you copy/pasted this:

    as I did it would work… not that I think you should. I think after realizing that the html file does it too tells me that it is probably the formatting (IE the bold lettering and stuff).

    And sorry, I don’t know what database you mean (site, forum, library?) and even how to check its character set.

    And besides, it only destroys the topic, not the forum, so just my thread would die, kinda counter-productive if you ask me. :P



    No problems with that text.

    Date	Sat, 07 Aug 2010 01:04:46 GMT
    Server Apache
    X-Powered-By PHP/5.2.9
    Vary Accept-Encoding
    Content-Encoding gzip
    Content-Length 2297
    Keep-Alive timeout=2, max=100
    Connection Keep-Alive
    Content-Type text/html; charset=UTF-8

    Maybe you are gzip’ing the output 2 times. One at bbPress level and one at server level. I can see from HTTP response header that your main page is gzip’ed. Are you using a plugin that compress output in your forum?

    Or maybe it’s a browser error. Try to clean the cache.



    Compresses output… compresses output… if only I knew what that meant… I never installed any plugins to specifically do that.

    Nope it still happens even after I clear my cache.

    Custom plugins on the bbpress forum I have include:

    (explained the non self-explanatory ones)


    Allow Images

    AutoRank (ranks based on posts)

    BBcode Buttons Toolbar

    BBcode Lite

    bbPress signatures

    bbPress Smilies

    Improved Spoiler (makes a spoiler bar)

    Members Online

    Profanity Filter

    Unread Posts

    I forgot to mention… the last time this happened my friend and fellow php’er (i use the phrase ‘fellow’ lightly as he really is the brains of this site, I have a very basic code knowledge compared to him) mentioned that the server’s cpu was pinned at 100% if that helps you any.



    It’s possible one of the plugins that relies on post_text is messing with the content.

    All these work with post_text

    Allow Images

    BBcode Lite

    bbPress signatures

    bbPress Smilies

    Improved Spoiler (makes a spoiler bar)

    Profanity Filter

    If you can consistantly make the problem happen (and cure it) then put bbpress into safemode by putting this into your bb-config.php


    and then try making the problem happen again.

    Safemode will disable all plugins and switch you to the kakumei theme. But it’s not permanent, just remove the line and you’ll be back to normal.



    And that will tell me if its a plugin causing the issue. And if it is I should disable them one at a time till I figure out which one basically, right?



    Yup. I’m hoping it’s not one of mine but I’ll fix it, if it is.



    Um, question… If I create the ‘bad’ topic can i leave it and disable plugins one at a time and check it after each one? Or am I going to have to re-make the bad topic each time?



    I have installed all the plugins for making some tests but I still can’t reproduce the bug.

    Deactivate all and then activate the plugins one by one. You can leave the post there.



    Well, after some tests, it turned out to be Profanity FIlter… by _ck_ >_> so fix it… no, joking, its by Ben L.

    To be honest that thing was more trouble that it was worth, censoring the f-bomb censored ANY ‘er’s for some reason. If I white-listed ‘er’ then you’d see ****er which is kind of obvious… Either way, thanks guys and anyone got any recommendations for profanity filters that WON’T break my forums? XP



    Ben L. = nightgunner who is a talented coder.

    I am sure they can fix it if you just let them know it’s causing the problem and give them some time.



    I’ll let him know tomorrow, thanks guys.

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