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I deleted bbpress completely but google still crawl its date

  • wordpresser


    Hi all,
    I have deleted bbpress about a month ago, and google still crawling its data. I have many error pages on coverage and most of them like these:


    I think these are refering to bbpress reply and causing Alternate page with proper canonical tag.

    google is hitting my site too much, and I am trying to figure out the reason, and discovered that google is crawling 19k pages and all errors.

    can someone please tell me how to solve this or delete the date completely? before deleting bbpress, I reset all forums and cleared everything but still google sees them.

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  • wordpresser


    Note, I copied all the tpoics on the forum and made them as a blog posts. I copied the content and paste them there. I now see that on all content copied I have this:

    <div class=”loop-item-0 user-id-0 bbp-parent-forum-6036 bbp-parent-topic-6036 bbp-reply-position-1 odd post-7906 topic type-topic status-publish hentry”>
    <div class=”bbp-reply-content”>
    <div class=”bbp-reply-entry”>
    and then the content. I have no idea what this is maybe it is the one causing my blog posts that I copied to be duplicate on google crawl.

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