Alright guys i’ve got a solution,
Please note, i have ZERO PHP skills so this probably isn’t the best solution on earth but i think it’s a good work-around to get the job done ‘easy’..
If some PHP developer reads this topic and thinks, damn this guy is going crazy with all his copy-/pasting stuff please feel free to modify this code..
What did i do:
First i opened up the Core template file of bbPress where the Breadcrumbs function is made.
I have copied the code and pasted inside a new PHP document, made some simple HTML changes before and after the urls and called this new template file inside my Theme’s functions.php
Last i called my custom Breadcrumb PHP code just to make sure my code is loaded and not the default bbPress code..
Here you go.
When your done it should look like this structure..
Nothing too fancy but the only difference, it’s made by a HTML List , like it should be in 2012 because a Breadcrumbs is a navigation and not just 5 URLs behind each other.
Step 1:
Paste all this code into a new empty PHP document and call it breadcrumbs.php
When your done drop this file into your Themes include folder.
wp-content / themes / [ your-theme-name ] / inc / * here *
Step 2:
Open your theme functions.php file and add this code to it.
Step 3:
Open the bbPress or WordPress stylesheet and add those few lines of CSS to it.
Step 4:
Inside the bbPress template files you often find this line of PHP code, it calls the default Breadcrumb function:
Change that line to this one and your done..
__( '', 'bbpress' ), ) ); ?.>
- without the dots before and after the -> .?.
Hope this helps..