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How to unsubscribe a member to all threads?

  • @cassel


    I have a member who passed away over a year ago. Her husband seems to have left her email account “alive” and it looks like all new thread sends a notification to that email address. The husband has no knowledge of what she was doing on the site (it was HER hobby). He would not know where to unsubscribe to each threads/sections her account is subscribed to.

    Is there a way for ME to unsubscribe her account from all threads? I am not sure why he wants to keep her account on my site instead of deleting it.

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  • @robin-w


    yes, as keymaster go into her bbpress profile – easiest is to find a topic or reply from her and click her name to get to her profile – and click subscriptions.

    you will then see the topics and forums she is subscribed to, click each one and you can unsubscribe.

    If there are hundreds, come back and I’ll try and help further



    I actually don’t see SUBSCRIPTIONS.
    All I see are these:
    Home Activity Profile Notifications Messages Forums Settings

    Maybe I am not looking in the righ place? (I am using BuddyPress so maybe the profile is different)



    so if you look in the profile tab, do you see subscriptions in there ?



    No, I see this:
    View Edit Change Profile Photo Change Cover Image

    And in Edit, I get
    Edit Profile
    Editing “Base” Profile Group

    But neither one is clickable for me



    ok, I think you can do it using this plugin

    bbPress Toolkit

    so once installed and activated, go to

    dashboard>users>all users> and when you can see your user, underneath the name you will see a new item with ‘subscriptions’ – click that and from there you should be able to unsubscribe.

    You can deactivate and delete the plugin afterwards if you wish



    Thank you. That did the trick.



    great – glad you are fixed



    I know this is an older thread and the plugin mentioned has not been updated in 5 years. Does it still work now?

    I have another member who passed and I am in a similar situation and she had almost 200 subscriptions.



    I have added this feature to

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Subscription Management and activate

    You can then manage a users subscriptions in dashboard>users



    What am I looking for in the Dashboard > Users? I don’t see anything about subscriptions or forum or any reference to bbpress. I did activate the “Subscriptions Management”.



    hiver over a username as you would do to edit them, and you’ll see a subscriptions option



    Oh… thanks. I WAS looking in the wrong place. It works perfectly.



    no problem, glad you are fixed

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