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How to remove unnecessary log in button

  • nednednerb


    Hi there.

    This is about my login page here:
    I’m using WordPress 6.1.1, Elementor Pro 3.11.3 with Hello Elementor theme,
    BBPress version 2.6.9, bbp style pack 5.3.6,
    I’m using LoginPress but that was installed after the issue described below was already present.

    Underneath the captcha and above the blue Login button is an extra button I want to remove. It says “Log in or sign up” but the button just redirects to the login page itself.

    When I inspect the page in Chrome it tells me the element might be div.bbp-button-wrapper or button.bsp-register.

    Do you know how I can find out where this button is being invoked so I can remove it from the code? I am not an expert web developer and I cannot solve this issue on my own.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,

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  • Robin W


    can you go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp-style-pack>topics index and see if you have item 19 checked.

    If so uncheck it and see if the problem goes away.

    If so, come back and I’ll take a further look



    Thank you so much! I looked on the Login tab, but that spot eluded my search.

    The extra button is now removed. That was so easy, with the right pointer! Great.

    Thanks for your quick response here.

    Have a good day.

    Robin W


    great – glad you are fixed

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