Sorry for the language.
“Tanisma Alani” is a topic
and second area’s translation is “Viewing one topic (A total of 1)”
Do you want to remove these from all bbpress pages ie forums, topics, profiles etc. ot just from a particular area, eg just from individual topics
Thanks for your response. I want to remove from all bbpress pages.
Any suggestions will be highly appreciated 🙂
Thank you.
sorry am tied up elsewhere, but will come back in the next day or so
ok the title comes form your theme, so I can’t help precisely with what to do but you should look in the page.php file or similar and find
<h1 class=”entry-title”><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
or something similar.
Come back with the lines and a few before and after and I’ll try and help further, but many themes are very complicated!
on the second issue, put the following in your functions file
Function hide_topic_display ($retstr){
$retstr = '' ;
return $retstr ;
add_filter( 'bbp_get_forum_pagination_count', 'hide_topic_display' );
Functions files and child themes – explained !
Both worked perfectly! Big thanks.
One last question;
What shall we add to deactivate pagination counts for replies aswell? (When i click the topics, i still see them.
Thanks again for your time & assistance.
just add a line
add_filter( 'bbp_get_topic_pagination_count', 'hide_topic_display' );
so you end up with
Function hide_topic_display ($retstr){
$retstr = '' ;
return $retstr ;
add_filter( 'bbp_get_forum_pagination_count', 'hide_topic_display' );
add_filter( 'bbp_get_topic_pagination_count', 'hide_topic_display' );
That should work !