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How to make that WPML plugin (or any) works for bbpres plugin in WordPress?

  • @elias_lapp


    I have a WordPress with WPML plugin and it works ok in all the pages, menus, widgets and plugins.

    Now I added the bbpress 2.0 plugin, and there is no way that WPML can read the language .mo files of bbpress.

    I tried with CodeStyling Localization (another translate plugin) but the bbpress language files are not available. Localization section of WP shows this:

    Textdomain: bbpress

    VersiĆ³n: 2.0

    Estado: active

    DescripciĆ³n: bbPress is forum software with a twist from the creators of WordPress.

    Compatibility: Loading Issue: Author is using load_textdomain instead of load_plugin_textdomain function. This may break behavior of WordPress, because some filters and actions won’t be executed anymore. Please contact the Author about that.

    How can I make bbpress 2.0 will be multilingual as the entire content?


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  • @ommunist


    Has the same issue. I created “my-languages” folder, but bbPress does not pick up mo and po from it. I also look to find the way to make it compatible with qTranslate.

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