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How to Auto Tag New Topics

  • @ruess


    Hi there,

    I’m using WooCommerce Memberships for our site and unfortunately while it allows forums to be protected, people can still view full topics if they have the direct URL. One option would be to protect all Topic Tags using the Memberships plugin. However, that means that i need to automatically add a tag to each new topic.

    This function seems like it might fit the bill:
    wp_set_post_tags( $post_ID, $tags, $append );

    . . . however, I need some sort of hook or filter from bbpress in order to run the above that can deliver to me the post_id right after it’s the Topic has been created so I can pass it to this function and add the tag I’d like to add.

    Any ideas of how I could set this up?


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  • @mikedean


    A year later but here it is.

    This assumes a drop down select menu has been added to the form-topic.php template. wp_dropdown_categories() is used to make a <select> element for all the terms in the categories taxonomy so users can assign the topic to a term.

    Then, the topic is assigned to the term they selected by hooking into the new topic process.

     * Assign a taxonomy term to a topic after it has been selected in the front end (using a <select> element).
     * @param Int           $topic_id               The id for the current topic being created.
     * @param Int           $forum_id               The id for the current forum the topic is being created in.
     * @param Int           $anonymous_data         ??
     * @param Int           $topic_author           The id of the user who created the topic.
     * @see
    //Update the taxonomy terms when a new topic is created or edited.
    add_action( 'bbp_new_topic', 'myprefix_assign_category_to_post', 20, 4 );
    function myprefix_assign_category_to_post( $topic_id, $forum_id, $anonymous_data, $topic_author ) {
            //Get the category submitted by the user
            $taxonomy_name = 'category';                    //the slug, or machine name, or the taxonomy
            $term_id = intval( $_POST['cat'] );             //Get value from the <select> element as an interger
            //@TODO error checking if term or taxonomy does not exists (returns false if so)
            $term_object = get_term_by( 'id', $term_id, $taxonomy_name );
            //Replace the existing subject with the selected one
            wp_set_post_terms( $topic_id, array( $term_id ), $taxonomy_name, false );
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