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How SEO work with bbPress?

  • @neerajor


    I have a forum set up and Yoast SEO plugin installed. So, how Yoast work for bbPress? Is there a way to fill out the keyword and meta description fields automatically?

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  • @neerajor


    Since there aren’t any replies, I think bbPress isn’t SEO optimized.



    It’s in the yoast meta title setting up



    Thanks @siamlottery
    I’ll try that



    The best thing about SEO in bbPress is the permanent slugs that also you can modify for your needs… besides that, there are not to much options.

    I guess you can’t modify or add keywords or meta descriptions for topics with Yoast.




    with this plugin you can tell Yoast to use correct meta descriptions for topics.

    BBpress Addon For Yoast SEO



    Yoast is a good seo plugin and I’m sure it works fine with bbpress. I had used bbpress in one of my projects and also installed yoast and it was working fine.



    I know the Yoast SEO has many problems with BBpress. I wrote a small plugin to help Yoast SEO working better with BBPress.

    This plugin improved the following problem with yoast wordpress seo in bbpress:
    1, Canonical lost on single forum
    2, Canonical lost on single topic page
    3, Canonical lost on user profile page
    4, Canonical lost on topic tag page
    5, Meta title incorrect on user profile page
    6, Meta title incorrect on topic tag
    7, Meta description lost on topic archive
    8, Meta description lost on user profile page
    9, Meta description lost topic tag page
    10, Meta description lost on single topic page
    11, Meta description lost on single forum page

    Hope this plugin can help someone else has the same problems.

    BBP Improvements for yoast



    nice !



    Yes Yoast is a good plugin.



    Yoast is good plugin in bbpress. So i think so it will work fine.



    Great! Yoast works well with bbpress



    What SEO tools do you guys use nowadays? It’s been a long time since this thread was updated, so I’d like to discover new ways and tools.

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