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How do I remove "Voices"?

  • @elpju


    I would like to remove the “Voices” count field next to each topic. How is this done?

    It only counts user posts, not guest posts (and my users are mostly guests), making it pretty misleading.

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  • @freewpress


    Hi, most simple way is to find this line in your bbpress css and add display:none like this:

    li.bbp-topic-voice-count {
        display: none;
        float: left;
        text-align: center;
        width: 12%;



    It worked! Thank you very much 🙂



    I found out that visibility: hidden; works better than display: none;
    It takes up the same space as Voices, making the layout look better.

    Hope others can benefit from this as it was driving me nuts.



    I open up this topic. I used the code snippet above and it worked like a charm on my test site but now on my live site it’s either ugly line up – which I guess is the reason for @elpju to change from none to hidden in the first place.

    However hidden does not respond for my code 🙁 None does and that’s where they ugly breaking up of layout shows and with hidden there’s absolutely nothing happening.



    Try putting it as important:
    display: hidden ! important;



    It’s really not responding to the hidden command or whatever it’s called 🙁



    I actually tried on my not open yet forum (still working on it), which will have guest posting also, but it counts the guest post just fine as voices and even shows the input name as last post.



    I just jumped on this forum thread since it’s asking of a feature I’d like to use and the voices has to go (sorry developers) but none works but moves the other columns around and hidden doesn’t do anything on my live site (on the contrary with my test site) which should have been live again three hours ago but now is not launchable in it’s full due to this glitch



    Maybe this is the issue:
    When I do css changes they show immediately in FireFox, but IE needs a hard refresh CTRL+F5



    This is what worked for me. I added it to my custom CSS:

    .bbp-topic-voice-count {
    visibility: hidden;

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