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How do I edit my group forums?

  • @dnfoz45


    Hi, I’m sorry, but I’m very lay, I don’t understand almost anything, I’m creating my website with groups that have forums, with a lot of effort I managed to create everything, but I’m breaking my head with some things, and I can’t find nothing to help me on the internet, I want to modify the layout of the groups ‘forums, and modify the groups’ menus, I want to take some things out and fix others, how do I do? For example, on my website, people can create groups (There are forums) in these groups there is the home, I want to remove this home and leave only the forum, I want to remove several things that pollute the forum and put a button to create a topic, where do I make these changes?

    I want to leave the forums of the groups on my site, with clean layour, as in this photo.

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  • @robin-w


    I Can’t see the images, but from the sound you might need

    bbp style pack



    I used this plugin, but I couldn’t do what I wanted, I’ll show the pictures again

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    I want to remove these unnecessary menus and put a “create topic” button, I want it to look like this image

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    the templates you need are in


    to amend a template do the following which is an example with loop-sungle-reply


    transfer this to your pc and edit to how you want it to look

    and save

    create a directory on your theme called ‘bbpress’
    ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/bbpress

    where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme

    Then transfer the file you saved above and put in in the directory called bbpress that you created above, so you end up with

    bbPress will now use this template instead of the original



    What file do I choose? And what word do I think to delete and go up the home menu?



    sorry, this is not a website design service 🙂



    I just wanted to understand which file I change, because there is nothing on the internet that explains this, I just want to delete that “home button” and this is giving me a lot of headaches



    which ‘home’ button?



    There are two “Activities” sessions, one is in the personal profile (all right in this one) and the other is in the groups profile, in the “home” menu, I really want to remove this, because it confuses people who access the groups a lot, why people they don’t go in the forum menu, they stay in the home menu and it confuses them, I just want to know, how do you remove it, because I don’t see anything on the forum helping about it or on the internet, is there a file I have to modify? any code? something?

    This business of having activities (home button) in the groups, is very bad, confuses the members a lot and on the internet there is nothing saying to remove it (only from groups) I want to leave it in the personal profile

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    I left Blogger and came to WordPress, and there are things that are so complicated, I never thought that to remove a category from the menu would be something so complicated



    sorry, but you are assuming that your site is exactly the same as everyone else’s.

    I have no idea how you are creating these menu items, and suspect is a wordpress not bbpress question.

    If you would care to give a link to your site rather than images I might be able to hep further.

    At the moment all you are doing is showing me pictures of your car and asking how to mend the engine 🙂



    I have it only on Local Host, any site I create with BudduPress + BBpress always appears this Activies Group, in the Home tab



    ok, I think that is buddypress not bbpress.





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