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How can I define the status of sub-forum ?

  • @renaisens



    I create a forum and subforums like that

    — sub-forum-a
    — sub-forum-b
    — sub-forum-c

    I define Forum-1 like Private.

    My question is : How can I define all the sub-forums ? Private ? Public ? closed ?

    I put private but I see “private” before the name of each sub-forum.
    And if the parent forum is private, I imagine if I define public the sub-forum, the user who can’t access to the parent forum can’t access to the sub-forums ?

    Could you tell me what I must choose like status for the sub-forums ?


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  • @robin-w


    whilst in the forums list a sub private forum will not show, if the sub forum is set to public, then searches would show as the forum it belongs to is private.

    So set every forum that you wish to be private to Private

    If you don’t want the word private to appear – and I hate it showing! – then you can add this to your functions file

    add_filter('private_title_format', 'ntwb_remove_private_title');
    function ntwb_remove_private_title($title) {
    	return '%s';

    or add my plugin which has this and many other features

    and set this to hide in
    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>forum display item 4



    Hi Robin.

    Thanks for your reply.

    I create a private forum and each of its child forums are private.

    The problem I have is :
    I must give the access for the main private forum.
    AND I must give the access for each of its child forums, if not the user can’t access to the child forums.

    My question is :
    How can I do to give the access to the main forum and all its child forums in the same time ?

    Thanks for your help.
    Pending to your reply.



    sorry I’m very confused about what you are trying to achieve.

    If you simply want them all private, then just set them that way, do you have a particularly large number of sub forums?



    Hi Robin,

    The problem is not to create private sub-forums.

    The problem is how to give the access to these private sub-forums when I give the access to the private main forum ?

    Because actually if I want the user1 to access at the main forum and its sub-forums, I must :
    1 – give the access to the private main-forum
    2 – give the access to the private sub-forum-1
    3 – give the access to the private sub-forum-2
    4 – give the access to the private sub-forum-3

    I would like to give the access to the private main-forum and whith this acess the user can automaticly access to all the private sub-forums of this main-forum.

    I hope it’s clearer.




    no that is no clearer.

    why do you not want to create private sub forums?

    why do you need automatic access to the sub forums, and if you do why can you not just set each as private, and then it all works?

    Perhaps if you just explained what you are trying to achieve, rather than forum private/public settings, then I can help further



    ok, I see from another thread that you are also using memberpress – is that correct?



    Hi Robin,

    Yes I add memberpress to find a possibility to manage my problem with sub-forum for only members.
    Why ?


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