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Help:I can’t see my themes even the default theme

  • @dupola


    I use BBPress 0.8.3 here:

    but I can’t see my custom themes even the default theme in the panel.I can only see”Dashboard Users Content “when I login to panel…


    Update:My forum has upgraded to 0.8.3 from 0.8.2,I find there add two options about Mysql Datebase in the config.php of the new version(0.8.3) .It set the Datebase CHARSET and COLLATE to utf8.

    Then I created a new Mysql datebase and set the config.php correctly,but when I install it,it said:

    “Warning: mysql_get_server_info() [function.mysql-get-server-info]: A link to the server could not be established in /home/.lewis/okokb/bbpress/forums/bb-includes/db-mysqli.php on line 80”

    then I check the line 80 of the file,db-mysqli.php,it looks seem that the version of my Mysql Datebase must be 4.1.0?

    isn’t it? but my Mysql datebase are all above 4.1.0.

    But I saw that,when I signup with a new Datebase,I can see my custom themes in the panel.

    Now I want to know,if BB require only 4.1.0(the version of the mysql datebase)….

    I’m very sorry about that my English is not good,I hope you can understand what I mean….

    Thanks all.


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