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Help with installation andintegration

  • I am trying to integrate WPMU 2.71, BuddyPress 1.0, and bbpress bbPress 1.0-rc-1.

    WPMU and BuddyPress work fine.

    BBPress is a nightmare.

    It never finishes the installation although it says:

    Your installation completed with some minor errors. See the error log below for more specific information.

    Key master could not be created!

    Forum could not be created!

    Referrer is OK, beginning installation…

    >>> Setting up custom user table constants

    Step 1 – Creating database tables

    >>> Database is already installed!!!

    Step 2 – WordPress integration (optional)

    >>> WordPress address (URL):

    >>> Blog address (URL):

    >>> WordPress cookie keys set.

    >>> WordPress “auth” cookie salt set from input.

    >>> WordPress “secure auth” cookie salt set from input.

    >>> WordPress “logged in” cookie salt set from input.

    >>> User database table prefix: wp_

    >>> WordPress MU primary blog ID: 1

    Step 3 – Site settings

    >>> Site name: Lilien Brown Forums

    >>> Site address (URL):

    >>> From email address:

    >>> Key master could not be created!

    >>>>>> That login is already taken!

    >>>>>> Existing key master entered!

    >>>>>> Re-setting admin email address.

    >>> Description: Just another bbPress community

    >>> Forum could not be created!

    >>> Key master email sent

    There were some errors encountered during installation!

    When I try log in it takes me back to the install page.

    Can someone advise how to get out of this loop?

    If not how to delete BBpress?

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  • @ramoonus


    have you deleted the bb_* tables before installing?

    No, but i will delete them.

    These are theonesyou wantme to delete:










    Correct. Delete those out of there.

    I’ve noticed that the trunk doesn’t like existing users also. I’ll probably post a ticket in the trac about it this morning.

    Thanks. How do i remove the existing user information?

    I am not sure what the trac means?



    Trac is a bug tracking application, found here for bbPress:

    I dleted the tables. I deleted the user files for bbpress.

    This is the error message I get now.

    The database failed to install. You may need to replace bbPress with a fresh copy and start again.


    >>> Database: lilienbr_wpmu (localhost)

    >>>>>> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bb_forums (

    forum_id int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    forum_name varchar(150) NOT NULL default ”,

    forum_slug varchar(255) NOT NULL default ”,

    forum_desc text NOT NULL,

    forum_parent int(10) NOT NULL default 0,

    forum_order int(10) NOT NULL default 0,

    topics bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,

    posts bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,

    PRIMARY KEY (forum_id),

    KEY forum_slug (forum_slug)

    ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET ‘utf8’ COLLATE ‘uft8_general_ci’;

    >>>>>> Unknown collation: ‘uft8_general_ci’


    >>> Database: lilienbr_wpmu (localhost)

    >>>>>> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bb_meta (

    meta_id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    object_type varchar(16) NOT NULL default ‘bb_option’,

    object_id bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,

    meta_key varchar(255) default NULL,

    meta_value longtext,

    PRIMARY KEY (meta_id),

    KEY object_type__meta_key (object_type, meta_key),

    KEY object_type__object_id__meta_key (object_type, object_id, meta_key)

    ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET ‘utf8’ COLLATE ‘uft8_general_ci’;

    >>>>>> Unknown collation: ‘uft8_general_ci’


    >>> Database: lilienbr_wpmu (localhost)

    >>>>>> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bb_posts (

    post_id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    forum_id int(10) NOT NULL default 1,

    topic_id bigint(20) NOT NULL default 1,

    poster_id int(10) NOT NULL default 0,

    post_text text NOT NULL,

    post_time datetime NOT NULL default ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’,

    poster_ip varchar(15) NOT NULL default ”,

    post_status tinyint(1) NOT NULL default 0,

    post_position bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,

    PRIMARY KEY (post_id),

    KEY topic_time (topic_id, post_time),

    KEY poster_time (poster_id, post_time),

    KEY post_time (post_time),

    FULLTEXT KEY post_text (post_text)

    ) TYPE = MYISAM DEFAULT CHARACTER SET ‘utf8’ COLLATE ‘uft8_general_ci’;

    >>>>>> Unknown collation: ‘uft8_general_ci’


    >>> Database: lilienbr_wpmu (localhost)

    >>>>>> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bb_terms (

    term_id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    name varchar(55) NOT NULL default ”,

    slug varchar(200) NOT NULL default ”,

    term_group bigint(10) NOT NULL default 0,

    PRIMARY KEY (term_id),

    UNIQUE KEY slug (slug),

    KEY name (name)

    ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET ‘utf8’ COLLATE ‘uft8_general_ci’;

    >>>>>> Unknown collation: ‘uft8_general_ci’


    >>> Database: lilienbr_wpmu (localhost)

    >>>>>> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bb_term_relationships (

    object_id bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,

    term_taxonomy_id bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,

    user_id bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,

    term_order int(11) NOT NULL default 0,

    PRIMARY KEY (object_id, term_taxonomy_id),

    KEY term_taxonomy_id (term_taxonomy_id)

    ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET ‘utf8’ COLLATE ‘uft8_general_ci’;

    >>>>>> Unknown collation: ‘uft8_general_ci’


    >>> Database: lilienbr_wpmu (localhost)

    >>>>>> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bb_term_taxonomy (

    term_taxonomy_id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    term_id bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,

    taxonomy varchar(32) NOT NULL default ”,

    description longtext NOT NULL,

    parent bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,

    count bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,

    PRIMARY KEY (term_taxonomy_id),

    UNIQUE KEY term_id_taxonomy (term_id, taxonomy),

    KEY taxonomy (taxonomy)

    ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET ‘utf8’ COLLATE ‘uft8_general_ci’;

    >>>>>> Unknown collation: ‘uft8_general_ci’


    >>> Database: lilienbr_wpmu (localhost)

    >>>>>> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bb_topics (

    topic_id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    topic_title varchar(100) NOT NULL default ”,

    topic_slug varchar(255) NOT NULL default ”,

    topic_poster bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,

    topic_poster_name varchar(40) NOT NULL default ‘Anonymous’,

    topic_last_poster bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,

    topic_last_poster_name varchar(40) NOT NULL default ”,

    topic_start_time datetime NOT NULL default ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’,

    topic_time datetime NOT NULL default ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’,

    forum_id int(10) NOT NULL default 1,

    topic_status tinyint(1) NOT NULL default 0,

    topic_open tinyint(1) NOT NULL default 1,

    topic_last_post_id bigint(20) NOT NULL default 1,

    topic_sticky tinyint(1) NOT NULL default 0,

    topic_posts bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,

    tag_count bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,

    PRIMARY KEY (topic_id),

    KEY topic_slug (topic_slug),

    KEY forum_time (forum_id, topic_time),

    KEY user_start_time (topic_poster, topic_start_time),

    KEY stickies (topic_status, topic_sticky, topic_time)

    ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET ‘utf8’ COLLATE ‘uft8_general_ci’;

    >>>>>> Unknown collation: ‘uft8_general_ci’

    Database installation failed!!!

    Is bbpress compatible with wordpress or am I wasting my time?



    Sounds like your database does not support uft8_general_ci collation? Maybe you need to set define('BBDB_COLLATE', ''); in your bb-config.php to something the server supports? Maybe you can look at the collation for the existing WPMU tables, and just use that in bb-config.php?

    Never seen this before, just guessing at a solution.

    I checked with my webhost.

    They do support utf8_general_ci on databases.



    Does *your* database, the one you’re using, support it though? Apparently, it does not, according to the error messages. Unless of course the error message is erroneous.

    You can do this from a MySQL command line or phpMyAdmin once you connect to your database:


    That will show you all collations that begin with utf8.



    I’m also having this issue. My collation was set to something different so I thought I had found the issue, I changed the collation on the DB using phpMyAdmin>Operations however even after setting the DB to utf8_general_ci I still get the same error.

    bbPress 1.0-rc-1

    Wordpress MU 2.7.1

    BuddyPress 1.0

    Can we leave the collation blank in the wp_config.php and while installing bbPress? What is this for?



    I tried deleting uft8_general_ci from my wp_config.php file and left it blank during the install however now I’m getting the following error.

    Referrer is OK, beginning installation…

    >>> Setting up custom user table constants

    Step 1 – Creating database tables

    >>> Modifying database: bria5519_buddypresstest (localhost)

    >>>>>> Table: bb_forums

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_meta

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_posts

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_terms

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_term_relationships

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_term_taxonomy

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_topics

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    Step 2 – WordPress integration (optional)

    >>> WordPress address (URL):

    >>> Blog address (URL):

    >>> WordPress cookie keys set.

    >>> WordPress “auth” cookie salt set from input.

    >>> WordPress “secure auth” cookie salt set from input.

    >>> WordPress “logged in” cookie salt set from input.

    >>> User database table prefix: wp_

    >>> WordPress MU primary blog ID: 1

    Step 3 – Site settings

    >>> Site name: BuddyPressTestForums

    >>> Site address (URL):

    >>> From email address:

    >>> Key master created

    >>>>>> Username: keymasteradmin

    >>>>>> Email address:

    >>>>>> Password:

    >>> Description: Just another bbPress community

    >>> Forum could not be created!

    >>> Making plugin directory at /home/bria5519/public_html/buddypresstest/forums/my-plugins/.

    >>> Making theme directory at /home/bria5519/public_html/buddypresstest/forums/my-templates/.

    >>> Key master email sent

    There were some errors encountered during installation!

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