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Help with error

  • @roitduck


    Hi folks,
    Is there anyone who can help me to find out why bbpress don’t scroll automatically down to the ”error”-section when you press the ”submit”- button on the bottom of my page without filling in the fields:

    This is the error-section and its red.

    ERROR: Invalid author name submitted!

    ERROR: Invalid email address submitted!

    ERROR: Your reply cannot be empty.

    ERROR: Slow down; you move too fast.

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  • @macpresss


    Because it doesn’t work like that out-of-the-box.

    WordPress checks some values based on a Submit action – a page-load is needed to check and push the error_msg into your page and because of the page-load the browser will go back to the top of the page by default.

    If you want functionality like that you have to search at Javascript Validations ,there are lots of them online.

    Personally I really like Foundation’s Abide

    It can check if a field is valid when writing and if it’s not it blocks the Submit button from being pushed in the first place.
    I used it in a BuddyPress site and it works very nice.
    Foundation Abide BuddyPress bbPress



    Hi again,
    It worked before, but stopped after i made some changes in the code. But i can’t find the error or where in the code the problem is. I’ve also updated to the new version of bbpress, do you think it has any effect?

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