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Hello theme Elementor bbpress template fix – breaks template

  • getfree


    Hi Robin et al.,
    we are trying to start using Elementor Single Post template, but found out that “Hello theme Elementor bbpress template fix” somehow stops the template from activating (disabled all plugins, found out that now the template works and then enabled all our plugins one by one).

    Question 1: What does the plugin actually do? 🙂 I remember activating the plugin for some real need, but now it looks like the forums works just fine.

    Question 2: What could we do to get the template working (apart from deactivating a probably vital plugin mentioned earlier..). I saw one guy solving the same issue by adding a short code to a page, but at least just inserting a short code for the forum index did nothing for us.

    Our (staging) site and a Post which is affected by this

    All our plugins are up-to date, and so is our Hello theme.

    Many thanks for the great product, as well as your help. Much appreciated.

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  • Robin W


    we are trying to start using Elementor Single Post template, but found out that “Hello theme Elementor bbpress template fix”

    is this from the style pack plugin, or form somewhere else?



    It is most likely not from the style pack, but installed separately by our outsourced developers. That’s why I don’t remember/know why the plugin was installed in the first place…

    Robin W


    ok, if you know how, I’d take out that old solution and use

    bbp style pack

    which has a solution for it



    We already have the style pack plugin, of course, so I will just uninstall the apparently old and unnecessary plugin, and also let the developers know about this.

    Many thanks, again!

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