if you take away you wanting to use/sell my details – I’ll take a look, but I don’t ‘accept’ on any site I don’t need.
Oh you mean the images ? Oh Sorry about that that’s imgur i will edit the main post now.
edit: i cant edit it 🙁 so i will post it here.

ok, so
‘i want some space between the top and the forum.’
what is the top and what is the start of the forum?
Well The top is the Home Forums Ect “header-bottom” from what i could find. If i enable Search there will be enough space between the forums and top.
try this in the custom css area of your theme
#bbpress-forums {
margin-top: 30px !important;
and adjust the 30px to suit
Worked, Thanks man.
As for the second image is that possible? i currently have a create topic button (using plugin :BB Style Pack). But each time i open a section i see that below the topic overview.
NVm found it for anyone looking :
fieldset.bbp-form {
display: none;
.page-id-170 * fieldset.bbp-form {
display: block !important;
this can be closed.
NVM i found the code it does work , but i cant get the page ID to work correctly
can you define/elobarate on what you mean by
‘but i cant get the page ID to work correctly’
i use the BBforums so i dont have a wordpress page ID so i dont know what i could put there.
ok, so you want to hide the form unless what ?
Unless i click the Create Post button like on any other forums. like on yours when i view the topics it’s hidden unless i enter a topic.
would require javascipt- sorry beyond free help