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Hands up in the Air. I give up BBPress.

  • @johnny-rocket


    For weeks on end, i’ve tried and tried and tried to get bbpress to correctly integrate with my no avail.

    Both due to a combination of bugs with the plugin, and i’m very sorry to say –an extreme lack of support in these forums.

    I’m willing if anyone is out there listening (not sure if there is) to pay someone to help me out. I honestly don’t think my problem is a complicated one-in fact i think what i’m trying to do should be pretty standard.

    What am i trying to do??? Show my posts. Yep, that’s it. But BBPress won’t do it for me.

    Go to my forum:

    There is definitely a topic there, and well, it’s not showing.

    I am using a member plugin -DAP-but even with it turned off, i’m having the same problem and i’m not protecting any content.

    WHAT WHY Is this happening? Where is the bug? I’ve seen many others referencing the same problem. I’ve tried all of the user role plugins. Nothing. Can anyone please help me out…i’ve posted ..i can’t even count how many times, looking for help, and it all falls into a black hole.


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  • @johnny-rocket


    PS- i can view the forum as an admin, like many others in my shoes have described.



    Oh and permalinks refreshed…nothing.



    Is the forum that topic in public, private, or hidden? Was it every private or hidden at any point, and is now public?

    P.S. – Sorry you feel the support here is poor. Keep in mind we’re all volunteers for the project, and all of your previous posts are in conjunction to using bbPress with other specific plugins. That narrows the scope of available people with enough experience to help you.



    Forum is public now. I did change it to private and hidden a few weeks back just to see if it somehow corrected my problem.

    I understand. Sorry if i sounded irate-just a bit frustrated- and I guess i didn’t understand the whole volunteer aspect. I do apologize. Trust me i like the product- and I do want it to work!



    If you create a new, public, forum does it do this for it as well?



    Ok, guess that was the issue. I added a new forum which is public and can view the one post there. So i guess for some reason you can’t switch back between public, and private or public-hidden or any variation of the three.

    My other question John is this..and not sure if you can help, but would appreciate if you have any idea.

    With my member plugin-DAP-we attempted to put the following at the head of the bbpress.php file in order to block the forum from any non-members.

    < ?php

    include_once “/dap/dap-config.php”;

    if( !Dap_Session::isLoggedIn() ) {

    header(“Location: /dap/login.php”);




    The only issue is that it blocked the entire site and not just bbpress. IF you have a suggestion and its ok if you don’t, would love to hear any recommendation.

    Thank you!



    Well from your code above, it seems that if a user isn’t loggedin via DAP then they would get redirected to /dap/login.php.



    Hey Jared, yes, that is what happens. But unfortunately it happens for the entire site, whereas i just want it applied to the forum. Is that possible?



    You are going to have to wrap it in something that checks for bbPress.

    Similar to:

    if ( is_bbpress() ) {
    include_once "/dap/dap-config.php";

    if( !Dap_Session::isLoggedIn() ) {
    header("Location: /dap/login.php");

    However it’s going to likely take more polish than that.



    thanks jared, i’m trying that-getting call to undefined function



    We have tried working on this some more, but still not working. Would bbpress.php be the right script for these changes?


    include_once “/home/@#$$$/public_html/dap/dap-config.php”;

    //the problem is get_post_type comes up empty..

    if((get_post_type() == ‘forum’) || (get_post_type() == ‘topic’) OR (get_post_type() == ‘reply’))


    if( !Dap_Session::isLoggedIn() ) {

    header(“Location: /dap/login.php”);




    Our problem is that get_post_type() comes up empty when used in bbpress.php.

    So maybe the whole check needs to go else where. I am not sure where.

    Also i don’t see a bb-config.php in our folders? Should this file exist?



    You’ll want something like this. And it should go in your theme’s functions file.

    add_action( 'bbp_ready', 'ja_login_detect' );
    function ja_login_detect() {
    include_once "/dap/dap-config.php";

    if ( !Dap_Session::isLoggedIn() )
    header( "Location: /dap/login.php" )



    @johnny-rocket – The public/private/hidden forum bug might be the crux of the issue others were running into. I’ll be putting out a point release of bbPress today to address it.



    Hey Jared,

    I added that code functions.php under /public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twentyten. Did not work.

    I added it to functions.php under /public_html/wp-content/themes/twentyten/functions.php, but it starts intercepting all requests to my site instead of just intercepting /forums request.

    Any thoughts?




    Try adding a check for bbPress, such as

    add_action( 'bbp_ready', 'ja_login_detect' );
    function ja_login_detect() {
    if ( is_bbpress() ) {
    include_once "/dap/dap-config.php";

    if ( !Dap_Session::isLoggedIn() )
    header( "Location: /dap/login.php" )

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