`bbp_get_user_id( 0, true, false );`
Excellent!!! Thank you 🙂
There seems to be a bug with this function: it returns 0 for a new user who hasn’t made a forum post yet. As soon as the user does make a post, it returns the correct ID. Is there any way to work around that, maybe initialize the user with a function call?
How do you use this mike? I may want to print a gallery of each user in their profile, but i cant figure out how to do this. By now, this works:
global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo();
echo do_shortcode(‘[nggtags gallery=’. $current_user->user_login .’]’);
but prints out the logged in user gallery, not the user of the profile page, any clue? I use tags to make the galleries for each user, I only need the name of the user profile, printed in the shortcode, 🙂 Thank you guys in advance, maybe this helps you too Mike.. gl