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get some trouble …

  • @antman313


    Hi all,

    i’ve installed bbforum (latest version).

    i use WP Version 2.3.1 DE-Edition.

    now – i don’t know how to integrate my bbpress with my wordpress.

    i can’t login into the admin page to crate a now forum topic.

    i don’t know how to set up bbpress into my wordpress.

    i want a link to integrate bbpress.

    can anyone help me?

    how i can set up a new forum topic, integrate it with my wordpress?


    (info.: wordpress Version 2.3.1 DE-Edition

    bbpress: latest.




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  • @chrishajer


    You just need a link in your “Pages” area to – it’s installed properly so you just need to link to it so people know it’s there.

    I’m not sure about the rest of your questions. bbPress is not a plugin for WordPress, it doesn’t become part of your WordPress installation. To make it look like your WordPress installation you need to do some CSS work. As for the creating new topics, I did not receive a confirmation for me account creation, so I could not log in to try that. Is mail being sent from the server? I waited about 10 minutes but still no confirmation.



    sorry – i don’t know why you does not received an email.

    my problem is: i can’t login into the bb-admin site.

    my name is admin like … but the login isn’t working. so i can’t administrate my forum.



    so – tested a lot.

    my blog has now an error:

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘summerdb.wp_post2cat’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT p2c.category_id AS cat_id, COUNT(p2c.rel_id) AS numposts, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(max(posts.post_date_gmt)) + ‘1’ AS last_post_date, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(max(posts.post_date_gmt)) AS last_post_date_gmt FROM wp_post2cat p2c INNER JOIN wp_posts posts ON WHERE 1 = 1 AND posts.post_type = ‘post’ AND posts.post_status = ‘publish’ AND posts.post_date_gmt <= ‘2007-11-18 15:26:18’ GROUP BY p2c.category_id ORDER BY numposts DESC

    if i try to login in bb-admin like:

    i was redirectet to

    i can login with all my users from wordpress into bbpress.

    i have all things done that was sayed in zhe docu and in this forum.

    in my config.php under bbpress and in the wp-config.php.

    but it doesn’t work very well and i don’t know how to figure out what i do wrong.

    anyone has a tip or a little workaround?





    I think you will be redirected from bb-admin if you’re not logged in or if you’re logged in as someone other than keymaster. Can you take a screenshot showing who you’re logged in as?

    Sounds like you don’t have a link to Admin either. That makes me think you’re not the keymaster. Can you confirm with direct access to the database that you are in fact the key master? I think that’s the source of your problem.

    There was also a plugin that I thought could do this. Are you using any plugins? I would tell you to disable them one by one, but since you can’t access the admin section, that would be hard. I think right now you are going to need direct access to your database tables with a tool like phpMyAdmin or whatever your host provides.

    Regarding the WordPress error, that’s a WordPress issue and I think you will find help over at the WordPress forums, for example:

    (From the looks of it, there is no more post2cat table in WP 2.3, but not all the plugins have caught up, so some of them are causing this error. Or possibly you just need to upgrade the database schema to match your WordPress installation? In either case, that’s a WordPress issue and totally unrelated to bbPress.)



    ok – i’m the keymaster. the username is for example AndyBB.

    if i put the var’s to the right thing:

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’;

    $bb->wp_home = ‘;; //

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘;; //

    i use the folowing plugin in wp:

    bbPress Integration 0.74 -> Michael Adams.

    Synchronizes registrations on your bbPress installation with your WordPress blog

    in bb:

    WordPress Integration 0.7 -> Tightly integrates user accounts between WordPress and bbPress

    if i now login into wp, i can use my forum with the same username as i login and this user stands in wp userdatabase NOT in bbpress users.

    if i log out, use AndyBB + password – can’t login !!!

    if i delete the var’s in config.php, i can login! i see the little admin link.

    so – i make a misstake. but i don’t know what it’s wrong.

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