Can’t test here, but did you check echo bbp_form_option( '_bbp_forum_slug', 'forum', true );
Hi Pascal,
Thanks for replying. It seems that the bbp_form_option() function is not available where I’m trying to get the value, but it’s basically a wrapper for get_option() so I can use that. Also, I was trying to grab the forum root slug, so the following has worked for me:
home_url(get_option( '_bbp_root_slug', 'forums' ));
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
Hi !
Sorry for resurrecting this old post, but I had the same question and I was wondering if the *best* current implementation might be home_url(bbp_get_root_slug());
to link from anywhere in a wordpress multi lingual site.
I also looked at the implementation of the breadcrumbs, as they include a link to the root of the forum, but it looked like the implementation only worked when the user is inside one of the forum pages (maybe it has a dependency to a global object?).