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Full width forums solutions

  • @earl_d


    I am running the latest BBP with WP 4.53 and BP with sitewide and group forums using a 2012 child theme. I would like to show the forum pages full width in twenty twelve. I have tried several options to do this from using CSS to change the site content width along side copying the full with template and remaining Bbpress.php in the 2012 child theme folder as well as copying the Bbpress template folder to my 2012 child theme folder.

    None of that has worked the closest it comes is the removal of the sidebar but the Bbpress content still doesn’t display full width. I have looked through the codex and the forums here but have not found a solution. Is there something I am missing? Can anyone point me to a definitive solution to this nagging problem. thank you

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  • @mercime


    @earl_d I made a tutorial for BuddyPress which you could adjust for the bbPress version. e.g. in the B. Full-width Layout section, instead of creating buddypress.php, create bbpress.php at the root of your theme’s folder. Good luck.

    Twenty Twelve Theme

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