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Forums not using the available space

  • @hirshy



    I want to use bbPress for a forum on a site running WordPress 4.7 with the 2016 theme. I have a problem with the space that is (not) used by the forums: there is unused white space to the left of anything created by bbPress.

    It can be seen here: Forums
    If you compare this to e.g. this page, you can see the unused space.

    This happens wether I use the sidebar or not. I don’t know what causes this, but maybe anyone can help?

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  • @robin-w


    your theme is doing this

    it doesn’t recognise this as a page, so is allowing for a sidebar.

    go to

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – Part 1

    and look at item 3, and tell me what method you are using. If not Method 2, then try this



    Thank you for your reply. I am already using Method 2. I now added some dummy text at the beginning which also starts too far right.

    I used “bbP Live Preview” and “bbp style pack” as additional plugins, though they don’t seem to be responsible for this behavious (I already deactivated them). But: this also seems to happen to Events I created with the Plugin “Events Manager” (e.g. here). Every event is created as a page and I thought the alignment to be just normal behaviour. Apparently this is not the case…

    Any other idea what might be causing this? I have included a screenshot of all used plugins.

    Screenshof of Plugins



    it is your theme doing this

    it sets a css rule

    .entry-content {
    width: 71.4286%;

    and considers bbpress to be entry content.

    you could try setting this to 100% – it will work for the forums page, but you’d need to check that it doesn’t upset another part of the site

    it looks like you have child theme configurator that will let you have custom css, so put this in it

    .entry-content {
      width: 100%;

    if that doesn’t work try

    .entry-content {
      width: 100% !important;

    come back and let us know



    With the addition of !important it works (and also fixed it for the created events)! Thank you very much!



    no problem – glad you are fixed !

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