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Forum visible to specific role

  • @jwind


    I’d like a forum to be visible on the forum page ONLY to a specific role. Seems that the forum roles override any sort of pcapabilityies I assign to the WordPress roles. This seems like new behavior?

    So in short, How do I create a forum for a specific WP or BBP role? It would be great if this forum didn’t show up for other users, but at the ver least they wouldn’t be able to access it.

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  • @paywhatucan


    jwind, if you figure it out, please let m know as well! I am struggling with exactly the same thing after having told a client they could (based on an older version of BBPress which used the WP User Roles functionality).



    I could have sworn I had done this before. Thanks.



    What, nobody has done this. I swear it used to be native feature?



    there is a new plugin in development to restrict forums>topics>replies by user role, seems to work fine in my testing so far, requires wordpress members plugin

    This plugin allows bbPress forums to be filtered and restricted based on the users ranks as set by the Members plugin.
    The plugin will hide all forums and subforums the user does not have permissions to access.
    It will display a 404 error if the user attempts to access restricted forum/topic




    Thanks but it doesn’t seem to work for me. what kind of settings do I need in terms of visibility and roles in the members plugin?



    Hi jwind,

    You might want to consider S2 Member plugin that can restrict access to certan pages. It is straight forward to set up and there is also some integration with BBpress roles.

    For each member you have to set the level of S2 membership, default S2 comes with 4 membership levels and you can assign different access levels to pages and so on.

    Another feature is URI access restrictions which should be able to restrict access in the forums.

    Instead of an error 404 the users are told that they have to sign in to view the protected contents.




    I thought about that. Just seems a little overkill for my needs.



    i am testing the teknik-design plugin alongside members, user role editor and s2 member on a somewhat complex project and they all seem to be playing nice towether, i’ve tried several options to restrict bbpress forums AND the topics and replies they contain to a specific user role, the teknik-design plugin is the first thing i’ve found that so far seems to actually work 🙂

    unless i am mistaken or it is a very recent development, s2member does NOT allow restricting bbpress posts and replies by parent forum role permissions, even w url restrictions as topic urls do not contain forum slug or similar

    so w teknik, you would use members or URE to create a new role and apply the viewing permissions w members (w teknik installed and activated) and it should all work, leave the forum open and visible otherwise

    you can use the user switching plugin to confirm it is all working as expected

    teknik plugin author says he intends to make this not require separate members plugin and release it as stand alone wp directory plugin after a bit more testing, so anyone interested should encourage him to develop this further via the links in my first post 🙂




    fasle alarm. Turns out, when unzipping. “Tehnik-bbPress-Permissions-master” is the folder you will see. In my haste, I uploaded that and didn’t realize that “tehnik-bbpress-permissions” was actually inside. Oddly, the meta box that restricts acces to forums, still showed up – just didn’t do anything.



    I installed Teknik Designs’ plugin BUT my site is already populated with forums and posts. I can’t seem to find out how to edit forums to allow access to certain roles.

    Several forums are Private or Hidden to all but those whose Role is Private or Hidden. But, of course, they are visible to all.



    make sure you have members and tehnik plugin installed and activated

    see the Tehnik bbPress Permissions page for more info

    use the content premissions pane (from members plugin) on the forum edit page to control which roles can access that forum

    try the User Switching plugin to confirm other roles can see what they are supposed to see




    Thank you, Sam. Members wasn’t activated when I tried to edit the forums. My blog guy is working on it now. I gave him the URL off that plugin.

    Once he tests and I see I can hide forums with Roles allowed, I will buy your program. The alternative is public forums but password-protect two of them. But that just ties up resources as the cracker bots try to get in.



    i am not affiliated w tehnik plugin in any way, nor am i selling anything, i am co-dev of PanoPress (which is totally free) but no connection to any of the plugins i mentioned here other than using them on my own sites

    i am just trying to help out here as i had been beating my head against this same prob recently, i’ve seen lots of non-working solutions suggested in this forum, and the bbpress devs do not always have time for these issues 🙂

    also, i want to encourage development and use of this plugin, and hopefully see better integration of restricting forums to a particular user role in future versions of bbpress, which is a critical missing feature for me




    Did any of you test out wether the hidden content is visible through the search results?

    Right now I’m using Page Security by Contexture to shield off the forums from certain member ranks.

    But non members can still retrieve the content of off limits replies through the search form. They also show up for non access members in the recent replies widget.



    I just logged out. I then entered words, one at a time, that I knew were in private or hidden sections. Not a singe post showed up. I use Members and it seems to be working.



    Awesome! Thanks for letting me know and trying. Ill see if I can switch my setup around to yours!

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