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Forum visible, browsible, then login: 404 everywhere.

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  • @let-me-see


    So my logged in users are blocked out of the entire forums front-end with a 404. But when they log out, they can see everything again. This is true even for freshly registered users.



    If I set my test user to Keymaster, I can login and see the threads, but when trying to reply, the system tells me that I have no right to do so – even when the test user is WP admin, too. And even though I could actually post a new thread with my admin account an hour ago. And if I set my user to moderator, he gets 404 like all others.

    Yesterday morning, I set the time for one post for ten minutes back via phpmyadmin, to see if I can change the order of replies that way. It did not seem to have any negative effect then. I set the change back yesterday night, but that did not help. Could my little change in the database be the reason, that the forum now shields itself from any users except Keymasters?



    Sooooo… I have to have bbpress activated on both MS subsite AND network admin (not root site) to have it all working again.

    EDIT: Only network activated is sufficient. I do *not* have to activate on subsite first, network second.

    Did I miss something here? Were these instructions I should have followed all the way?



    It doesn’t say anything in the Codex about “don’t you dare activate on network once you activated on subsite only, you will never again be able to activate on subsite only”. I looked.

    However, I am not 100% sure that I first activated on subsite only. Maybe I only thought so, and am now back to original configuration: network yes, subsite no.



    Error, debugging and solution, all in 1 go !
    Will have a look for the codex, thanks.

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